如何在 io-ts 中定义混合数组?

How to define mixed array in io-ts?

使用最新的 https://github.com/gcanti/io-ts/,我想将 NodeLsStatusResponse 的 属性 result 建模为包含 NodeStatusNodeStatus404 类型的对象在 (t.readonlyArray)


export const Connection = t.union([t.literal('a'), t.literal('b')])
export type Connection = t.TypeOf<typeof Connection>

export const NodeStatus = t.type({
  connection: Connection,
  nodeId: t.string,

export const NodeStatus404 = t.type({
  connection: Connection,  
  host: t.string,

export type NodeStatus = t.TypeOf<typeof NodeStatus>
export type NodeStatus404 = t.TypeOf<typeof NodeStatus404>

export const NodeLsStatusResponse = t.type({
  code: t.literal('OK'),
  result: t.readonlyArray(NodeStatus), /// <<< I would like to have a mixed array here


export const NodeLsStatusResponse = t.type({
  code: t.literal('OK'),
  result: t.readonlyArray(t.union([NodeStatus, NodeStatus404])),