如何将 bcrypt 摘要密码转换回原始字符串?

How can I convert back to original string a bcrypt digest password?

我正在开发一个 ruby 应用程序,我有一个使用 gem-bcrypt 存储加密密码的后端用户 table。我怎样才能真正将我的密码转换回原始密码以在我的视图中显示它? 这是消化我的密码的代码

def self.digest(string)        
cost = ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost ? BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST : BCrypt::Engine.cost        
BCrypt::Password.create(string, cost: cost)    



Hash algorithms take a chunk of data (e.g., your user's password) and create a "digital fingerprint," or hash, of it. Because this process is not reversible, there's no way to go from the hash back to the password.

In other words:

hash(p) #=> <unique gibberish>

You can store the hash and check it against a hash made of a potentially valid password:

<unique gibberish> =? hash(just_entered_password)
