如何找到将 X、Y、Z 向量与另一个坐标系对齐的角度

How to find the angles to align X, Y, Z vectors to another coordinate system

我正在尝试旋转一组在 pyqtgraph 和 opengl 中使用 GLMeshItem 创建的 3D 点(形成一个矩形对象)。但是,我在执行此操作时遇到了问题。

我需要将对象的轴 (T_X、T_Y、T_Z) 与轴 (Q_X、Q_Y、Q_Z). Q 轴是根据四元数计算的向量。

重现步骤: 1.从四元数做一个旋转矩阵 2.矩阵乘法来定义我想旋转到的Q轴 3.将物体原点翻译成Q。 4.制作单位向量并计算X、Y、Z轴对之间的角度 5.旋转X轴和Z轴的差值



import numpy as np
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QHBoxLayout, QWidget
import pyqtgraph as pg
import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
from pyqtgraph import Vector as VC

class MainWindow(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MainWindow, self).__init__()

        def quaternion_to_rotmat(point):
            qw = point[0]
            qx = point[1]
            qy = point[2]
            qz = point[3]

            RotMat = np.array([[1 - 2 * (qy ** 2) - 2 * (qz ** 2),
                                2 * qx * qy - 2 * qz * qw,
                                2 * qx * qz + 2 * qy * qw],
                               [2 * qx * qy + 2 * qz * qw,
                                1 - 2 * (qx ** 2) - 2 * (qz ** 2),
                                2 * qy * qz - 2 * qx * qw],
                               [2 * qx * qz - 2 * qy * qw,
                                2 * qy * qz + 2 * qx * qw,
                                1 - 2 * (qx ** 2) - (2 * qy ** 2)]])
            return RotMat

        self.setFixedSize(1000, 700)
        self.graphLayout = QHBoxLayout()

        # Set camera
        w = gl.GLViewWidget()

        # Group of points defining the rectangle object
        verts = np.array([(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0),
                          (1.0, -1.0, 0.0),
                          (-1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
                          (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
                          (-1.2987148761749268, -1.3632668256759644, -0.16066408157348633),
                          (-1.2987148761749268, -1.3632668256759644, 7.678848743438721),
                          (-1.2987148761749268, 1.3632668256759644, -0.16066408157348633),
                          (-1.2987148761749268, 1.3632668256759644, 7.678848743438721),
                          (1.2987148761749268, -1.3632668256759644, -0.16066408157348633),
                          (1.2987148761749268, -1.3632668256759644, 7.678848743438721),
                          (1.2987148761749268, 1.3632668256759644, -0.16066408157348633),
                          (1.2987148761749268, 1.3632668256759644, 7.678848743438721),
                          (-1.0, -1.0, 7.536437511444092),
                          (1.0, -1.0, 7.536437511444092),
                          (-1.0, 1.0, 7.536437511444092),
                          (1.0, 1.0, 7.536437511444092)])

        faces = np.array([(1, 2, 0), (1, 3, 2), (5, 6, 4),
                          (7, 10, 6), (11, 8, 10), (9, 4, 8),
                          (10, 4, 6), (7, 9, 11), (5, 7, 6),
                          (7, 11, 10), (11, 9, 8), (9, 5, 4),
                          (10, 8, 4), (7, 5, 9), (13, 14, 12),
                          (13, 15, 14)])

        colors = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1] for i in range(len(faces))])

        # Object origin (should rotate around this position)
        T_Pos = (verts[0] + verts[3]) / 2

        # Q position
        Q_Pos = np.array([-13.5708862, 1.1735056, 107.5772339])

        # Q quaternion (W, X, Y, Z)
        Q_Quat = np.array([0.547013, 0.593053, -0.543852, -0.230846])

        # Find the rotation matrix of Q quaternion
        rotMat = quaternion_to_rotmat(Q_Quat)

        # Matrix multiplication
        r1 = np.matmul(rotMat, np.array([1, 0, 0]))
        r2 = np.matmul(rotMat, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
        r3 = np.matmul(rotMat, np.array([0, 0, 1]))

        # Define new points - Multiply by 25 to visualize the axis in openGL
        Q_X = np.array([Q_Pos[0] + r1[0] * 25, Q_Pos[1] + r1[1] * 25, Q_Pos[2] + r1[2] * 25])
        Q_Y = np.array([Q_Pos[0] + r2[0] * 25, Q_Pos[1] + r2[1] * 25, Q_Pos[2] + r2[2] * 25])
        Q_Z = np.array([Q_Pos[0] + r3[0] * 25, Q_Pos[1] + r3[1] * 25, Q_Pos[2] + r3[2] * 25])

        Q_Line_X = np.array([Q_Pos, Q_X])
        Q_Line_Y = np.array([Q_Pos, Q_Y])
        Q_Line_Z = np.array([Q_Pos, Q_Z])

        Q_Vec_X = Q_Pos-Q_X
        Q_Vec_Y = Q_Pos-Q_Y
        Q_Vec_Z = Q_Pos-Q_Z

        # Camera settings
        w.setCameraPosition(distance=90, azimuth=-2)
        w.opts['center'] = VC(Q_Pos)

        # Add object to window
        self.object = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=verts, faces=faces, faceColors=colors, smooth=False, shader='shaded', glOptions='opaque')

        # Add visualization of Q positions
        sphere = gl.MeshData.sphere(rows=10, cols=20, radius=[1])

        self.P_Point = gl.GLMeshItem(meshdata=sphere, smooth=True, color=(1, 0, 1, 0.2), shader="balloon", glOptions="additive")
        tr1 = pg.Transform3D()

        # Translated object origin (should rotate around this position)
        # Translate T to Q
        posDiff = Q_Pos - T_Pos
        verts = posDiff-verts

        T_Pos_base = (verts[0] + verts[3]) / 2
        T_Pos_baseX = T_Pos_base - np.array([T_Pos_base[0] + 10, T_Pos_base[1], T_Pos_base[2]])
        T_Pos_baseY = T_Pos_base - np.array([T_Pos_base[0], T_Pos_base[1] + 10, T_Pos_base[2]])
        T_Pos_baseZ = T_Pos_base - np.array([T_Pos_base[0], T_Pos_base[1], T_Pos_base[2] + 10])

        unit_TX = T_Pos_baseX / np.linalg.norm(T_Pos_baseX)
        unit_TY = T_Pos_baseY / np.linalg.norm(T_Pos_baseY)
        unit_TZ = T_Pos_baseZ / np.linalg.norm(T_Pos_baseZ)

        unit_QX = Q_Vec_X / np.linalg.norm(Q_Vec_X)
        unit_QY = Q_Vec_Y / np.linalg.norm(Q_Vec_Y)
        unit_QZ = Q_Vec_Z / np.linalg.norm(Q_Vec_Z)

        dotX = np.dot(unit_TX, unit_QX)
        dotY = np.dot(unit_TY, unit_QY)
        dotZ = np.dot(unit_TZ, unit_QZ)

        angleX = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(dotX))
        angleY = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(dotY))
        angleZ = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(dotZ))

        # Visualization of T axes
        T_Pos_X = [T_Pos[0]+10, T_Pos[1], T_Pos[2]]
        self.T_Plot_X = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=np.array([T_Pos, T_Pos_X]), color=(1,0,0,1), width=1, antialias=False)
        T_Pos_Y = [T_Pos[0], T_Pos[1]+10, T_Pos[2]]
        self.T_Plot_Y = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=np.array([T_Pos, T_Pos_Y]), color=(0,1,0,1), width=1, antialias=False)
        T_Pos_Z = [T_Pos[0], T_Pos[1], T_Pos[2]+10]
        self.T_Plot_Z = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=np.array([T_Pos, T_Pos_Z]), color=(0,0,1,1), width=1, antialias=False)

        # Visualization of Q axes
        self.Q_Plot_X = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=np.array(Q_Line_X), color=(1,0,0,1), width=1, antialias=False)
        self.Q_Plot_Y = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=np.array(Q_Line_Y), color=(0,1,0,1), width=1, antialias=False)
        self.Q_Plot_Z = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=np.array(Q_Line_Z), color=(0,0,1,1), width=1, antialias=False)

        tr1 = pg.Transform3D()
        tr1.rotate(-angleX, 0, 0, 1)
        tr1.rotate(angleZ, 1, 0, 0)

        tr5 = pg.Transform3D()
        tr5.rotate(-angleX, 0, 0, 1)
        tr5.rotate(angleZ, 1, 0, 0)


if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    ex = MainWindow()

几何学 -- 你有 3 分:
mpo 是 meshPointOrigin
mpe 是 meshPointEnd
hp 是 headPoint
-- 你有 2 个向量:
V1=(mpe-mpo) 从 mpo 到 mpe
V2=(hp-mpo) 从 mpo 到 hp
-- 您想将 V1 旋转到 V2。
单位法向量为VN = (V1 cross V2).normalize()

kcos = sqrt((1+cosine)/2) (half-angle formula)  
ksin = sqrt(1-ksin*ksin)   
quaternionWXYZ = (kcos, ksin*VN.x, ksin*VN.y, ksin*VN.z)  

如果 V1 的长度与 V2 不同,则必须缩放头部。
(编辑:这并没有引起人们的注意 left/right,是吗?这可能只是一个开始。)

  1. 创建 A,B 表示您的 2 个坐标系

    如果您有原点和 xis 基向量,只需将其输入矩阵即可...

  2. 计算将 A 转换为 B

    的转换 C
                 A * C =             B // Inverse(A)*
    Inverse(A) * A * C = Inverse(A)* B
                     C = Inverse(A)* B


试试这个: 另一个 = verts + 2.0 * np.cross(Q_Quat[1:4], np.cross(Q_Quat[1:4], verts) + Q_Quat[0 ] * verts)