断言 Python 字典中所有值的数据类型的更好方法

Better way to assert data type of all values in a Python dictionary

我正在构建一个单元测试 asserts/checks 如果字典中的所有值都具有相同的数据类型:float

Python 版本 3.7.4


dictionary1: dict = {
    "key 1": 1.0,

dictionary2: dict = {
    "key 1": "1.0",

dictionary3: dict = {
    "key 1": 1.0,
    "key 2": 2.0,
    "key 3": 3.0

dictionary4: dict = {
    "key 1": "1",
    "key 2": "2",
    "key 3": 3


class AssertTypeUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_value_types(self):
        dictionary: dict = dictionary
        self.assertTrue(len(list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary)))) is 1 and
                            list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary)))[0] is float)

if __name__ == "__main__":

预期的结果是,如果字典中有一个值不是 float,它会抛出一个 AssertionError,即它会为 dictionary2 而不是 dictionary1.

现在虽然测试 确实适用于 1 个键值对 ,但在 dictionary3dictionary4 而无需添加另一个 for 循环?

for type in list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary))):
    self.assertTrue(type is float)


您可以将项目的类型转换为一个集合,并断言它等于一组 float:

self.assertSetEqual(set(map(type, dictionary.values())), {float})


    len(list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary)))) is 1  #
    and  #
    list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary)))[0] is float


len(list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary)))) is 1



list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary)))[0] is float

这将像以前一样创建一个列表,其中包含字典中每个值的类型,然后检查该列表的第一个元素是否为 float。这不一定意味着原始字典中的所有元素都是浮动的。


l = list(map(type, (dictionary[key] for key in dictionary)))
for t in l: 

但是有很多方法可以做测试。您还可以将此列表转换为集合并检查其长度是否等于 1(因为集合将只保留唯一值)

self.assertTrue(len(set(l)) == 1)
# or self.assertEqual(len(set(l)), 1)

我有一个类似的问题,但想使用 typing module of the python standard library. It uses the package pydantic 以更通用的方式解决它,这似乎是一个合理的依赖关系。这是我的方法。

import unittest
import typing
import pydantic

def check_type(obj, expected_type):

    class Model(pydantic.BaseModel):
        data: expected_type

    # convert ValidationError to TypeError if the obj does not match the expected type
    except pydantic.ValidationError as ve:
        raise TypeError(str(ve.errors()))

    return True  # allow constructs like assert check_type(x, List[float])

class TestCase1(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_check_type(self):

        obj1 = [3, 4, 5]
        obj2 = [3, 4, "x"]

        check_type(obj1, typing.List[int]) # pass silently

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
            check_type(obj2, typing.List[int])

        obj3 = {
                "key 1": 1.0,
                "key 2": 2.0,
                "key 3": 3.0

        check_type(obj3, typing.Dict[str, pydantic.StrictFloat])

        obj3["key 3"] = "3.0"

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
            check_type(obj3, typing.Dict[str, pydantic.StrictFloat])

        # note that this passes:
        check_type(obj3, typing.Dict[str, float])

        # allow for multiple types:
        check_type(obj3, typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float, str]])