clearfsimport Permission denied even with "-nsetevent" option for regular users

clearfsimport Permission denied even with "–nsetevent" option for regular users

这是我作为普通用户 运行 的命令,我收到的错误是:

M:\my_Dyn_Admin_View>clearfsimport -preview –nsetevent C:\temp\test.txt \

clearfsimport: Error: Permission denied: not VOB owner or privileged user.

clearfsimport: Error: Unable to import into "M:\my_Dyn_Admin_View\Admin\test".

然后我用“cleartool describe”得到了"remote"设置,打印输出有下面一行:

modification by remote privileged user: allowed*


clearfsimport 在我的测试中适用于管理员用户,但我们希望它适用于普通用户

我提到 clearfsimport in 2009 and pointed to "How can I use ClearCase to “add to source control …” recursively?" 关于 -nset (nsetevent)

clearfsimport man page所述:

You must be root (UNIX and Linux) or the VOB owner to run clearimport unless you invoke it with the -nsetevent option



无法识别,因为您使用的是 而不是 -

参见“What's the toughest bug you ever found and fixed?
