Fgets 无缘无故被跳过

Fgets gets skipped for no apparent reason

我的代码不起作用,由于某种原因它跳过了 "fgets" 指令,我一直在不懈地尝试解决这个问题,但我做不到。 我正在制作一个简单的 C 游戏,关于掷 3 个骰子并给出结果,玩家会猜测下一个结果是更高、更低还是与上一个相同。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *args[]) {
    printf("__________________________OPEN THE GAME!_________________________\n");
    printf("\tThe rules are simple,\n\twe are gonna roll 3 dices and\n\tgive you the result.\n\tYou're then going to guess if\n\tthe next roll is gonna be\n\thigher(h), lower(l) or same(s)!\n");
    //char ready[3];
    //printf("\t\t\tAre you ready? ");
    //fgets(ready, 2, stdin);

    int roll1;

    int roll2;

    int roll3;

    char enter[] = "y";

    while(strcmp(enter, "n")) 
        roll1 = rand()%6 + 1;
        roll2 = rand()%6 + 1;
        roll3 = rand()%6 + 1;
        printf("First roll!\n%d\n\n", roll1);
        printf("Second roll!\n%d\n\n", roll2);
        printf("Third roll!\n%d\n\n", roll3);

        int firstResult = roll1 + roll2 + roll3;
        printf("Result: %d\n", firstResult);

        char guess[2];
        printf("\t\t\tWill the next one be h/l/s? ");
        fgets(guess, 2, stdin);

        int result = (rand()%6 + 1) + (rand()%6 + 1) + (rand()%6 + 1);

        if (((result == firstResult) && (strcmp(guess,"s"))) || ((result > firstResult) && (strcmp(guess,"h"))) || ((result < firstResult) && (strcmp(guess,"l"))))
            printf("°°°°°°°°°°°Correct, you win!°°°°°°°°°°°\n");
            printf("      The result was: %d\n", result);
            printf("\tI'm sorry, the new roll is %d :(\n", result);

        printf("\tTry again?(y/n)");
        fgets(enter, 2, stdin);

        firstResult = result;
    printf("\t\t\tGG, come back when you want to test your luck B)\n");
    return 0;

被跳过的 fgets 指令位于底部,请重试。 有人可以向我解释我错过了什么吗? 即使使用 scanfs 也行不通,或者使用 char 而不是字符串。




fgets() 阅读后,去掉潜力 '\n' 使下面的 strcmp(guess,"s") 工作。

    char guess[100];
    printf("\t\t\tWill the next one be h/l/s? ");
    fgets(guess, sizeof guess, stdin);
    guess[strcspn(guess, "\n")] = '[=10=]';

