当字典(可变数据类型)是通过多处理池实现的函数的参数时,为什么 python 使用 'CallByValue' 函数调用?

Why python uses 'CallByValue' function call when a dict (mutable dtype) is an argument to a function that is implemented via multiprocessing Pool?


from multiprocessing import Pool

dict1 = {'key1':1}

def alterDict(dict_num):
    for key in dict_num:
        dict_num[key] = 20000

print(dict1) # output is {'key1': 20000}

dict1 = {'key1':1}

with Pool(2) as p:

print(dict1) # output is {'key1': 1}

为什么输出不同? 有没有办法避免 Pool 使用 'call by value' 风格的函数调用? 我想让池使用函数调用的引用调用方式

当您使用 multiprocessing 并且您想要更改 dictlist 等对象时。(共享数据)您需要使用 Sharing state between process

import multiprocessing as mp

def alterDict(dict_num): 
    for key, _ in dict_num.items(): 
        dict_num[key] = 20000 

with mp.Manager() as manager: 
    d = manager.dict() 
    d['key'] = 1 
    with manager.Pool() as pool: 
        pool.map(alterDict, [d]) 

# {'key': 20000} # output

顺便说一句,你应该使用 dict_num.items()items 否则你会得到错误:

/usr/local/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/managers.py in _callmethod(self, methodname, args, kwds)
    848             dispatch(conn, None, 'decref', (token.id,))
    849             return proxy
--> 850         raise convert_to_error(kind, result)
    852     def _getvalue(self):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_registry'