
How to traverse a binary search tree in alphabetical order python?


import BST, TreeNode

class Bibliography:

def __init__(self):
    self.bibtree = BST()

def getReference(self,key):
    """Return the reference for the key, if it exists, otherwise None."""
    theValue = self.bibtree.retrieveKey(key,self.bibtree.root)
    if theValue == None:
        return None
        return theValue.payload

def addReference(self, key, value):
    """Add the reference represented by key and value.

    Assume the key does not exist in the bibliography.
    self.bibtree.insertNode(key, value)

def removeReference(self, key):
    """Remove the reference with this key.

    Assume the key exists in the bibliography.

def outputBibliography(self):
    """Return a string with all references in alphabetical order.

    There must be an empty line after each reference
    return self.traverse(self.bibtree.root)

def traverse(self, aNode):
    """Return a string with the references in the subtree rooted at aNode.

    The references should be ordered alphabetically,
    with an empty line after each reference
    and a space between each key and its value. See the test file.
    if aNode:
        return str(aNode.key, aNode.payload, end='\n\n')

当我进行测试时,下面的功能无法正常工作,需要 help.It returns 它作为此括号 [ ] 中的列表,我不想要这个。我也想要一个空行,但这也没有发生。我不确定我做错了什么,如果你能给我一些建议,这会有所帮助。

def traverse(self, aNode):
    """Return a string with the references in the subtree rooted at aNode.

    The references should be ordered alphabetically,
    with an empty line after each reference
    and a space between each key and its value. See the test file.
        res = []
        if aNode:
          res = self.traverse(aNode.leftChild)
          res.append(aNode.key + ' ' + aNode.payload + '\n\n')
          res = res + self.traverse(aNode.rightChild)
        return res


['Adams, A (1991) Loves football\n\n', 'Marlow, C (1996) Loves cricket\n\n', 'Smith, I (1994) Does not play sports\n\n']


Adams, A (1991) Loves football

Marlow, C (1996) Loves cricket

Smith, I (1994) Does not play sports

你快到了。您的 traverse 方法生成所需行的列表。唯一剩下的就是将该列表转换为单个字符串,其中行由'\n\n'分隔,即一个'\n'终止当前行,另一个'\n'给出一个空行。

tmp = tree.traverse(tree.root)  # tmp now contains the list ['Adams, A (1991) Loves football', 'Marlow, C (1996) Loves cricket', ...


并且您无论如何都在连接列表,如 res + self.traverse(aNode.rightChild) 中那样。好吧,别介意我之前对此的评论,即使有列表,你也会得到 O^2,因为你正在复制它们。就这样做

def traverse(self, aNode):
    res = ""
    if aNode:
        res = self.traverse(aNode.leftChild)
        res += aNode.key + ' ' + aNode.payload + '\n\n'
        res += self.traverse(aNode.rightChild)
    return res

这最终会在最后一个引用之后为您提供一个空行,因此它是作业所说内容的更字面的实现:“...在每个引用之后都有一个空行...”。 join() 只会在引用之间插入换行符,而不是在最后一个引用之后。