COUNT 次指定时间之前,自加入?

COUNT number of times prior to specified time, self-join?

为简单起见,假设我有两个 table:

billing 具有以下字段 bill_id(主、唯一键、整数)、person_idbill_datebilling_detail 包含 bill_idservice_type

首先,我想要一份客户列表 (person_id),他们在给定时间段内为给定范围的服务付费,所以简单

SELECT billing.person_id, billing.bill_date
FROM   billing
INNER JOIN billing_detail ON billing.bill_id = billing_detail.bill_id
WHERE      billing_detail.service_type IN (list of services)
  AND      billing.bill_date between some_date and another_date


假设 billing table 包含:

1  | 1 | 1/1/2020
2  | 1 | 1/2/2020
3  | 1 | 1/3/2020
4  | 1 | 1/4/2020
4  | 1 | 2/4/2020

并且 billing_detail table 包含:

1  |  A
2  |  B
3  |  A
4  |  B
5  |  A

因此,如果我要 运行 为客户 1 报告 1 月至 4 月期间的服务类型 A,预期结果将是

1 | 1/1/2020 | 0 (no A type service prior to this date)
1 | 1/3/2020 | 1 (One A type service prior to this date)
1 | 2/4/2020 | 2 (Two A type services prior ot this date).

这可能涉及在两个 table 上进行某种自连接,但我疲惫的鸟脑目前似乎无法想出答案。任何帮助将不胜感激。

您可以在 person_idservice_type 上使用 ROW_NUMBER() 以获得您想要的结果,减去 1 使值从 0:

SELECT person_id, bill_date, service_type,
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY person_id, service_type ORDER BY bill_date) - 1 AS prior_services
FROM billing b
JOIN billing_detail bd ON bd.bill_id = b.bill_id


person_id   bill_date   service_type    prior_services
1           2020-01-01  A               0
1           2020-01-03  A               1
1           2020-02-04  A               2
1           2020-01-02  B               0
1           2020-01-04  B               1


WHERE service_type = 'A'


Demo on dbfiddle