Terraform 动态块

Terraform dynamic block

我在 Terraform 中创建动态块时遇到问题。我正在尝试使用模块创建 ECS 服务。在模块中,我想指定仅当存在变量时才应创建 network_configuration 块。 这是我的模块代码:

resource "aws_ecs_service" "service" {

name = var.name
  cluster = var.cluster
  task_definition = var.task_definition
  desired_count = var.desired_count
  launch_type = var.launch_type
  load_balancer {
    target_group_arn = var.lb_target_group
    container_name   = var.container_name
    container_port   = var.container_port

  dynamic "network_configuration" {
    for_each = var.network_config
    content {
      subnets = network_configuration.value["subnets"]
      security_groups = network_configuration.value["security_groups"]
      assign_public_ip = network_configuration.value["public_ip"]


module "fargate_service" {
  source = "./modules/ecs/service"
  name = "fargate-service"
  cluster = module.ecs_cluster.id
  task_definition = module.fargate_task_definition.arn
  desired_count = 2
  launch_type = "FARGATE"
  lb_target_group = module.target_group.arn
  container_name = "fargate_definition"
  container_port = 8000
  network_config = local.fargate_network_config


locals {
    fargate_network_config = {
      subnets          = module.ec2_vpc.private_subnet_ids
      public_ip        = "false"
      security_groups  = [module.fargate_sg.id]

通过上述配置,我希望仅在存在 network_config 变量时创建一个 network_configiration 块。如果我不定义它,我希望模块不要费心创建块。 我收到 Invalid index 错误。

network_configuration.value is tuple with 3 elements
The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: a number
is required.

我的代码有什么问题?这是我第一次在 Terraform 中使用动态块,但我希望能够理解它。 谢谢


locals {
  fargate_network_config = [
      subnets          = module.ec2_vpc.private_subnet_ids
      public_ip        = "false"
      security_groups  = [module.fargate_sg.id]

然后将变量 network_config 修改为列表。


dynamic "network_configuration" {
  for_each = var.network_config
    content {
      subnets = lookup(network_configuration.value, "subnets", null)
      security_groups = lookup(network_configuration.value, "security_groups", null)
      assign_public_ip = lookup(network_configuration.value, "public_ip", null)
