iOS 应用深层链接和 Firebase 动态链接在应用转移后不起作用

iOS app deeplinks and Firebase dynamic links don't work after app transfer

我已将我的 iOS 应用程序从一个开发人员转移到另一个开发人员。然后在新帐户首次发布后,我的深层链接意外停止工作。

在我自己托管的 url 和 firebase 动态链接上使用通用链接实现的深层链接。

问题是我的团队 ID 在转移后发生了变化。

  1. 如果是自托管的通用链接 url,我必须更新我的 apple-app-site-association 文件,因为它包含旧 ID。


  "applinks": {
    "apps": [],
    "details": [
        "appID": "{TEAM_ID}.{BUNDLE_ID}",
        "paths": [

  1. 如果是 firebase 动态链接,我必须在项目设置中更改我的团队 ID。然后让他们为您的链接更新 apple-app-site-association 文件,您必须联系支持人员。

It is cached, so can take some time. If you're still seeing it after a day, please file a ticket with Firebase support who can route it through to the Dynamic Links team:



Hi Abzal,

Andy here, and I noticed that you've recently updated your iOS app's Team ID. Once this is updated in the Firebase settings, it can take a few minutes for the AASA file to reflect the latest changes.

Please check this on your end if the AASA file is now up-to-date.