FatFree 使用 Jig 数据映射器将数组传递给视图

FatFree pass array to a view using Jig data mapper


    "section-1" : { 
        "sub-section-1" : {
            "557aef62e0629": {
                "question": "how are you?",
                "answer": "fine.. you?"

            "557af3d40b041": {
                "question": "Question",
                "answer": "Answer to question"
        "sub-section-2": {
            "557af3d80b041": {
                "question": "another section question?",
                "answer": "another section answer?"
    "section-2" : {
            "557af32d201f6": {
                "question": "Question",
                "answer": "Answer to question"
            "557af33c7c60e": {
                "question": "Question",
                "answer": "Answer to question"


    $faqs = [];

    $mapper = new \DB\Jig\Mapper($this->db, 'faqs.json');

    while (!$mapper->dry()) {
        $faqs[] = $mapper->cast();
    $this->f3->set('faqdata', $faqs);

发送 faqdata 到视图。


<repeat group="{{ @faqdata[1] }}" key="{{ @key }}" value="{{ @faqs }}">
        <p><span><b>{{ @key }}</b></span></p>
        <repeat group="{{ @faqs }}" key="{{ @k }}" value="{{ @v }}">
            <dt>{{ @k }}</dt>
            <dd>{{ @v }}</dd>

只阅读 section-2 个常见问题解答,但我收到错误:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

为什么 @faqs 被视为 foreach() 的无效参数?


这是 var_dump 显示的内容:

array(2) {
  array(3) {
    array(5) {
      array(2) {
        string(12) "how are you?"
        string(11) "fine.. you?"
      array(2) {
        string(35) "hi there, this is quesiton number 2"
        string(19) "this is answer no 2"
      array(2) {
        string(8) "Question"
        string(18) "Answer to question"
      array(2) {
        string(8) "Question"
        string(18) "Answer to question"
      array(2) {
        string(8) "Question"
        string(18) "Answer to question"
    array(1) {
      array(2) {
        string(25) "another section question?"
        string(23) "another section answer?"
    string(9) "section-1"
  array(3) {
    array(2) {
      string(8) "Question"
      string(18) "Answer to question"
    array(2) {
      string(8) "Question"
      string(18) "Answer to question"
    string(9) "section-2"

那么 section-2 数组不就是数组吗?

那是因为@faqdata[1]包含了数组的索引:_id => 'section-2'。所以你不能只遍历它的属性。您应该改为调用预期的属性(questionanswer)。

无论如何,由于您的目的是获取整个数据数组,因此直接调用 Jig::read 会更简单。你不需要映射器。参见:

$faqs = $this->db->read('faqs.json');

现在 $faqs['section-2'] 包含第二部分。


为了显示那种数据,您需要一个递归视图。这可以通过使用 <include> 标签的 with 属性来实现。比照。 docs.

假设您的视图被命名为 faqs.html:

<repeat group="@faqs" key="@section" value="@data">
        <span>{{ @section }}</span>
        <check if="($faq=reset(@data)) && isset(@faq.question)">
                    <repeat group="@data" value="@faq">
                            {{ @faq.question }}
                            {{ @faq.answer }}
                <include href="faqs.html" with="faqs={{ @data }}"/>