如何将原始数据行检索到 dc.js 箱线图数据点?

How can I retrieve the original data row to a dc.js boxplot data-point?

我正在使用 dc.js 创建一个按预期工作的箱线图。为了向图表添加更多交互性,我想让用户点击离群值以检索其他信息。

因此我创建了一个事件处理程序,如 D3 documentation 中所述。结果按预期工作,当用户单击数据点时我触发了事件。我的期望是,我将能够以某种方式访问​​原始数据以检索单击数据点的 sfc 属性,但我失败了,目前不知道如何解决这个问题。任何帮助将不胜感激。

const data = [{
    "duration": 248,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809783",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 249,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809676",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 156,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809676",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 254,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BP0L2809798",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 134,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809783",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 128,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BP0L2809798",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 228,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248B90L2809800",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 125,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248B90L2809800",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 242,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809792",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 149,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809792",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 237,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809819",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 153,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809819",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 232,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809847",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 482,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809847",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 238,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809883",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 143,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809883",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 213,
    "type": "M247",
    "sfc": "M247B50L2693004",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 217,
    "type": "M247",
    "sfc": "M247B50L2693004",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 229,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BC0L2809902",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 151,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BC0L2809902",
    "pass": 0

const cycletimeChart = dc.boxPlot('#cycletime-chart');

const ndx = crossfilter(data),
  typeDimension = ndx.dimension(function(d) {
    return d.type;
  cycletimeGroupByType = typeDimension.group().reduce(function(p, v) {
    // keep array sorted for efficiency
    p.splice(d3.bisectLeft(p, v.duration), 0, v.duration);
    return p;
  }, function(p, v) {
    p.splice(d3.bisectLeft(p, v.duration), 1);
    return p;
  }, function() {
    return [];

  .on('pretransition', function(chart) {
    chart.selectAll('circle.outlier').on('click.sfcClick', function(datum, index, nodes) {
      console.log(`Clicked on outlier with array index ${datum}, ${index}, ${nodes}.`);
      //Here I would like to retrieve the the sfc attribute from the original data object.
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  <div id="cycletime-chart"></div>




  1. 由于 crossfilter 会聚合数据,因此只有您在 reduce 函数中提供的内容才可用。
  2. 箱线图将数组索引绑定到异常值,而不是数据。
  3. 如果这些持续时间不唯一,您将 运行 遇到过滤问题。

1。通过 crossfilter


由于crossfilter都是关于聚合的,所以默认情况下原始数据是不可用的。一种解决方法是将缩减更改为存储 v 而不是 v.duration:

  bisectLeft = d3.bisector(d => d.duration).left,
  cycletimeGroupByType = typeDimension.group().reduce(function(p, v) {
    // keep array sorted for efficiency
    p.splice(bisectLeft(p, v.duration), 0, v);
    return p;
  }, function(p, v) {
    p.splice(bisectLeft(p, v.duration), 1);
    return p;
  }, function() {
    return [];

由于 dc.boxPlot 需要一个数字数组,您还需要更改 valueAccessor 以提取持续时间:

  .valueAccessor(d => d.value.map(r => r.duration))



中所述,dc.js 箱线图将 数组索引 绑定到离群点。

由于交叉过滤器 key/value 对绑定到父 <g> 元素,可以使用咒语





  function(p, v) {
    let i = d3.bisectLeft(p, v.duration);
    while(p[i] !== v) ++i;
    p.splice(i, 1);
    return p;


const data = [{
    "duration": 248,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809783",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 249,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809676",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 156,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809676",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 254,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BP0L2809798",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 134,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809783",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 128,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BP0L2809798",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 228,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248B90L2809800",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 125,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248B90L2809800",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 242,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809792",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 149,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809792",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 237,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809819",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 153,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BJ0L2809819",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 232,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809847",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 482,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809847",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 238,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809883",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 143,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BK0L2809883",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 213,
    "type": "M247",
    "sfc": "M247B50L2693004",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 217,
    "type": "M247",
    "sfc": "M247B50L2693004",
    "pass": 0
    "duration": 229,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BC0L2809902",
    "pass": 1
    "duration": 151,
    "type": "M248",
    "sfc": "M248BC0L2809902",
    "pass": 0

const cycletimeChart = dc.boxPlot('#cycletime-chart');

const ndx = crossfilter(data),
  typeDimension = ndx.dimension(function(d) {
    return d.type;
  bisectLeft = d3.bisector(d => d.duration).left,
  cycletimeGroupByType = typeDimension.group().reduce(function(p, v) {
    // keep array sorted for efficiency
    p.splice(bisectLeft(p, v.duration), 0, v);
    return p;
  }, function(p, v) {
    let i = bisectLeft(p, v.duration);
    while(p[i] !== v) ++i;
    p.splice(i, 1);
    return p;
  }, function() {
    return [];

  .valueAccessor(d => d.value.map(r => r.duration))
  .on('pretransition', function(chart) {
    chart.selectAll('circle.outlier').on('click.sfcClick', function(datum, index, nodes) {
      console.log(`Clicked on outlier with datum, index, nodes ${datum}, ${index}, ${nodes}.`);
      console.log('parent array', d3.select(this.parentNode).datum().value);
      console.log(`Original datum`, d3.select(this.parentNode).datum().value[datum]);
      //Here I would like to retrieve the the sfc attribute from the original data object.
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  <title>Boxplot test</title>
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  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crossfilter/1.3.12/crossfilter.min.js"></script>
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