关于 C++ 中的 new 和 delete[]

something about new and delete[] in c++

光是调试,检查代码的错误,我就花了2个多小时,还是找不到卡死的原因。 如果我删除line 91line 93之间的代码,源代码在vsvscode运行,但在dev-c运行失败。 dev-c的反馈是program received signal sigsegv。 如果不del,所有平台都不行? 有人可以告诉我原因和解决方案吗?谢谢。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class DynamicVector
    T *array;
    unsigned mallocSize, numofItems;
    int virtualZero;

    DynamicVector(int Vindex)
        array = NULL;
        numofItems = 0;
        mallocSize = 0;
        virtualZero = Vindex;
    DynamicVector(const DynamicVector &another)
        if (mallocSize < another.numofItems)
            if (array)
                delete[] array;
                array = NULL;
            array = new T[another.mallocSize];
        virtualZero = another.virtualZero;
        mallocSize = another.mallocSize;
        numofItems = another.numofItems;
        for (int i = 0; i < another.numofItems; i++)
            *(array + i) = *(another.array + i);
        if (array)
            delete[] array;
            array = NULL;
    DynamicVector<T> &operator=(const DynamicVector<T> &another)
        if (mallocSize < another.mallocSize)
            delete[] array;
            array = NULL;
            array = new T[another.mallocSize];
        virtualZero = another.virtualZero;
        mallocSize = another.mallocSize;
        numofItems = another.numofItems;
        for (int i = 0; i < another.numofItems; i++)
            *(array + i) = *(another.array + i);
        return *this;
    inline void push_back(const T &n)
        if (numofItems < mallocSize)
            *(array + numofItems) = n;
        else if (numofItems == mallocSize)
            T *num = new T[numofItems + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < numofItems; i++)
                *(num + i) = *(array + i);
            if (array)
                delete[] array;
                array = NULL;
            array = new T[2 * mallocSize + 1];
            mallocSize = 2 * mallocSize + 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < numofItems; i++)
                *(array + i) = *(num + i);
            *(array + numofItems) = n;
            delete[] num;
            num = NULL;
    void push_back(const DynamicVector<T> &another)
        T *num = new T[numofItems + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < numofItems; i++)
            *(num + i) = *(array + i);
        if (array)
91        {
92            delete[] array;
            array = NULL;
        array = new T[mallocSize + another.mallocSize];
        mallocSize = mallocSize + another.mallocSize;
        for (int i = 0; i < numofItems; i++)
            *(array + i) = *(num + i);
        delete[] num;
        num = NULL;
        for (int i = numofItems, j = 0; i < numofItems + another.numofItems; i++, j++)
            *(array + i) = *(another.array + j);
        numofItems = numofItems + another.numofItems;
    T &operator[](int Vindex)
        int _entry = Vindex - virtualZero;
        if (_entry < 0 || _entry >= numofItems)
            cout << endl
                 << "Out Of Range";
        return array[_entry];

    bool operator==(const DynamicVector<T> &dv) const
        if (virtualZero == dv.virtualZero)
            for (int i = 0; i < numofItems; i++)
                if (*(array + i) != *(dv.array + i))
                    return false;
            return true;
            return false;
    unsigned length() const
        return numofItems;
    unsigned capacity() const
        return mallocSize;
    int firstIndex() const
        return virtualZero;
int main()

    DynamicVector<int> ra(-2);
    int i, n;
    cin >> n;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    cout << "\n malloSize is " << ra.capacity();
    cout << "\n numofItems is " << ra.length();
    cout << "\n StartIndex is " << ra.firstIndex() << endl;
    for (i = -2; i < n + 1; i++)
        cout << ra[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    DynamicVector<int> raCopy(ra);
    cout << "\n malloSize is " << raCopy.capacity();
    cout << "\n numofItems is " << raCopy.length();
    cout << "\n StartIndex is " << raCopy.firstIndex() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    for (i = -2; i < n + 1; i++)
        cout << ++ra[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    for (i = -2; i < n + 1; i++)
        cout << raCopy[i] << " ";

    raCopy = ra;
    if (ra == raCopy)
        cout << "\n ra == raCopy";
        cout << "\n ra != raCopy";

    ra[-2] = 100;

    if (ra == raCopy)
        cout << "\n ra == raCopy";
        cout << "\n ra != raCopy";

    cout << endl;
    int firstI = raCopy.firstIndex();
    for (i = 0; i < raCopy.length(); i++)
        cout << raCopy[i + firstI] << " ";
    return 0;


    DynamicVector(const DynamicVector &another)
        if (mallocSize < another.numofItems)
            if (array)
                delete[] array;
                array = NULL;
            array = new T[another.mallocSize];

此处 mallocSizearray 成员未初始化并且包含随机垃圾,因此检查可以做任何事情。你有三个senarios.

  1. mallocSize 是随机小的,因此:
    array 未初始化并指向随机内存。
    因此,第 91 行在最终调用时会导致信号错误。
  2. mallocSize 任意大且 array 不为空。
    你调用 delete 随机值从而破坏你的记忆。 导致段错误或弄乱内存,因此第 91 行确实如此。
  3. mallocSize 随机大,array 随机空。


    DynamicVector(const DynamicVector &another)
        array = new T[another.mallocSize];

此外,您可以在代码中的任何地方编写 array[i] 而不是 *(array + i),例如array[i] = another.array[i] 而不是 *(array + i) = *(another.array + i).

