我需要支持非洲对话的国家名单 api

i need the list of countries that are supported africa's talking api

我真的想在我的 ussd 应用程序上使用非洲语api。我来自孟加拉国,我很困惑它是否支持孟加拉国或 not.there 孟加拉国主要有四家服务提供商,即 gameenphone、robi、banglalink、airtel。我想从其中一位运营商发送 ussd 到我的应用程序。


from flask import Flask, request
import africastalking
import os

app = Flask(__name__)
username = "sandbox"
api_key = "*384*89376#"
africastalking.initialize(username, api_key)
sms = africastalking.SMS

@app.route('/', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def ussd_callback():
    global response
    session_id = request.values.get("sessionId", None)
    service_code = request.values.get("serviceCode", None)
    phone_number = request.values.get("phoneNumber", None)
    text = request.values.get("text", "default")
    sms_phone_number = []

    #ussd logic
    if text == "":
        #main menu
        response = "CON What would you like to do?\n"
        response += "1. Check account details\n"
        response += "2. Check phone number\n"
        response += "3. Send me a cool message"
    elif text == "1":
        #sub menu 1
        response = "CON What would you like to check on your account?\n"
        response += "1. Account number"
        response += "2. Account balance"
    elif text == "2":
        #sub menu 1
        response = "END Your phone number is {}".format(phone_number)
    elif text == "3":
            #sending the sms
            sms_response = sms.send("Thank you for going through this tutorial", 
        except Exception as e:
            #show us what went wrong
            print(f"Houston, we have a problem: {e}")
    elif text == "1*1":
        #ussd menus are split using *
        account_number = "1243324376742"
        response = "END Your account number is {}".format(account_number)
    elif text == "1*2":
        account_balance = "100,000"
        response = "END Your account balance is USD {}".format(account_balance)
        response = "END Invalid input. Try again."

    return response

if __name__ == "__main__":

非洲的 Talking USSD 服务在以下国家/地区提供:

肯尼亚, 乌干达, 坦桑尼亚, 卢旺达, 尼日利亚 科特迪瓦, 马拉维, 赞比亚, 南非
