如何使用函数制作 v-for 下拉文本?

How to make v-for drop-down text with a function?

我想做一个文本更正,我可以点击错误的单词并从列表中选择一个更正(有点像 Grammarly 做的)。


data: {
 objects: [
   word: "This",
   val:  0.1,
   corrections: {"that", "Those"}
   word: "kat",
   val:  0.9,
   corrections: {"cat", "cats", "dogs", "animals"}

现在我想写一个 v-for 它将:


Vue.component('post-list', {
  data: function() {
    return {
        objects: [{
            word: "This",
            val: 0.1,
            corrections: [
            word: "kat",
            val: 0.9,
            corrections: [


new Vue({
  el: '#vue-app'
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.2.6/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="vue-app" class="container">
  <post-list inline-template>
      <template class="post" v-for="object in objects">
        {{ object.word }}

所以基本上您是要我们在大约 10 分钟内为您创建 "Grammarly" 的副本?


演示 https://codepen.io/aQW5z9fe/pen/MWaQjdX

此外,我会将 getFormattedData() 方法移动到服务器,以便您获得具有 underlined 属性以及 valcorrections 的格式化数据,而不是重新-在客户端计算它。

  <v-list dense>
      v-for="(correction, index) in correctionsListItems"

<div class="flex">
  <div v-for="(object, index) in getFormattedData" class="flex">
       :class="{'underlined': object.underlined}"
    >{{ object.word }} 
    <div v-if="addSpace(index)">&nbsp;</div>
data () {
  return {
    correctionsListIsVisible: false,
    correctionsListItems: [],
    activeObject: {},
    objects: [
         word: "This",
         val: 0.1,
         corrections: ["that", "Those"]
         word: "kat",
         val: 0.9,
         corrections: ["cat", "cats", "dogs", "animals"]
         word: "is",
         val: 0.1,
         corrections: []
         word: "cute",
         val: 0.2,
         corrections: []
computed: {
  getFormattedData() {
    let result = []
    for (const item of this.objects) {
      let object = {}
      if (item.val < 0.5) {
        object.word = item.word
        object.underlined = false
        object.corrections = []
      else if (item.val >= 0.5) {
        object.word = item.word
        object.underlined = true
        object.corrections = item.corrections

    return result
methods: {
  addSpace (index) {
    return index !== (this.getFormattedData.length - 1)
  toggleCorrectionsList (object) {
    if (object.underlined) {
      this.correctionsListItems = object.corrections
      this.activeObject = object
      this.correctionsListIsVisible = true
    else {
      this.activeObject = {}
  applyCorrection (correction) {
    this.activeObject.word = correction
    this.activeObject.underlined = false