使用和不使用 SSL 的 Apache 反向代理之间行为不同的原因

Reasons for differing behavior between Apache reverse proxy with and without SSL

我一直致力于在两个本地 Apache 安装之间路由流量的本地反向代理(每个 运行 一个不同版本的 mod_wsgi,这就是分叉的原因)。无论请求是 HTTP 还是 HTTPS,我都希望这个反向代理能够正常工作。

但是,当使用 SSL 时,位置响应 header 不会被 ProxyPassReverse 修改(正确)。

以下分别是 HTTP 和 HTTPS 流量的 VirtualHost 定义:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        # Proxy traffic for Version 6 with an alias of: 6x/
        ProxyPass /6x/ http://localhost:10090/
        ProxyPassReverse /6x/ http://localhost:10090/

        # Proxy traffic for previous versions with aliases of: 5x/, 4x/, and /
        ProxyPass /5x/ http://localhost:10080/
        ProxyPassReverse /5x/ http://localhost:10080/
        ProxyPass /4x/ http://localhost:10080/
        ProxyPassReverse /4x/ http://localhost:10080/
        ProxyPass / http://localhost:10080/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:10080/
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
        <VirtualHost *:443>
                ServerName snakeoil.us.com

                ProxyPreserveHost on
                ProxyRequests off
                SSLEngine on
                SSLProxyEngine on
                SSLProxyVerify none
                SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
                SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
                SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off

                SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/snakeoil.crt
                SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/certs/snakeoil.key
                SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/bundle-client.crt

                # Proxy traffic for Version 6 with an alias of: 6x/
                ProxyPass /6x/ https://localhost:10453/
                ProxyPassReverse /6x/ https://localhost:10453/

                # Proxy traffic for previous versions with aliases of: 5x/, 4x/, and /
                ProxyPass /5x/ https://localhost:10443/
                ProxyPassReverse /5x/ https://localhost:10443/
                ProxyPass /4x/ https://localhost:10443/
                ProxyPassReverse /4x/ https://localhost:10443/
                ProxyPass / https://localhost:10443/
                ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:10443/

当我访问 url http://snakeoil.us.com/6x/snk610/index 时,位置 header 返回为:Location: http://snakeoil.us.com/6x/snk610/index.

但是,当我访问 url https://snakeoil.us.com/6x/snk610/index 时,位置 header 返回为:Location: https://snakeoil.us.com/snk610/index,这导致 404,因为只有两个之一被代理的本地 Apache 实例(与 6x 路由关联的实例)识别 snk610 别名(在这种情况下它不是被路由到的实例)。

底线是 HTTP VirtualHost 定义代理两个本地 Apache 实例之间的请求而不会失败。但是,HTTPS VirtualHost 定义没有,我不清楚是什么导致了这种差异。


在被代理的 Apache 实例上,我将 access_log 格式更改为以下内容:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b   -->   ResponseLocation: '%{Location}o'" common


这是 Apache HTTP 实例(被代理到)的输出:

[snake6x@test1 httpd6x]$ grep "ResponseLocation: 'http" logs/access_log
::1 - - [06/May/2020:15:43:25 -0400] "GET /snk610 HTTP/1.1" 301 233   -->   ResponseLocation: 'http://localhost:10090/snk610/index'
::1 - - [06/May/2020:15:43:30 -0400] "GET /snk610/index HTTP/1.1" 302 247   -->   ResponseLocation: 'http://localhost:10090/snk610/login?params=&message=&redirect_to=index'
::1 - - [06/May/2020:15:43:32 -0400] "POST /snk610/auth?redirect_to=index&params= HTTP/1.1" 302 204   -->   ResponseLocation: 'http://localhost:10090/snk610/index'


相反,这是 Apache HTTPS 实例(被代理到)的输出:

[snake6x@test1 httpd]$ grep "ResponseLocation: 'http" logs/ssl_request_log
[06/May/2020:19:53:38 +0000] ::1 "GET /snk610 HTTP/1.1" 240 2645788   -->   ResponseLocation: 'https://snakeoil.us.com/snk610/index'
[06/May/2020:19:56:21 +0000] ::1 "GET /snk610/index HTTP/1.1" 254 2682899   -->   ResponseLocation: 'https://snakeoil.us.com/snk610/login?params=&message=&redirect_to=index'
[06/May/2020:19:56:23 +0000] ::1 "POST /snk610/auth?redirect_to=index&params= HTTP/1.1" 240 752392   -->   ResponseLocation: 'https://snakeoil.us.com/snk610/index'

从上面可以看出,在响应位置 header 中,服务器名称已替换为传入的主机名。这就是导致 ProxyPassReverse 无法替换传出主机名(在反向代理服务器上)的原因。

我通过明确更新被代理服务器上的传出位置 header 解决了这个问题:

    # Since this server has a proxy immediately in front of it, we need the outgoing
    # location to match the incoming location. However, the ServerName tag will
    # cause the incoming location to be changed to include the ServerName, which will
    # cause the upstream ProxyPassReverse to fail to update the outgoing location
    # properly.
    # This Header modification replaces the outgoing ServerName with the incoming
    # name.
    # FIXME: There is surely a better way to do this with a variable that contains
    # the incoming host
    Header edit Location ^https://snakeoil.us.com:443 https://localhost:10453
    Header edit Location ^https://snakeoil.us.com https://localhost:10453