无法从 ActionForm 转换为 AddExpenseForm

Cannot cast from ActionForm to AddExpenseForm

我是 Struts 的新手,我想了解它是如何工作的。我知道我必须强制转换我的表单才能访问请求参数 class 并且我还参考了各种其他论坛试图找出答案但它没有用。无论我尝试什么,我都会不断收到同样的错误。提前致谢。


package action;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

import dao.ExpenseDAO;
import dao.MemoryExpenseDAO;
import forms.AddExpenseForm;
import value.Expense;

public class AddExpenseAction extends ActionSupport{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public String execute(ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{

            AddExpenseForm addExpenseForm = (AddExpenseForm) form;

            Expense e = new Expense();

            ExpenseDAO dao = MemoryExpenseDAO.getDAO();              

            HttpSession session = request.getSession();                
            session.setAttribute("expense", e);
            return SUCCESS;



package forms;

public class AddExpenseForm {

    private String date;
    private Double amount;
    public String getDate() {
        return date;
    public void setDate(String date) {
        this.date = date;
    public Double getAmount() {
        return amount;
    public void setAmount(Double amount) {
        this.amount = amount;
    public String getReason() {
        return reason;
    public void setReason(String reason) {
        this.reason = reason;
     private String reason;


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
        <form-bean name="AddExpenseForm" type="forms.AddExpenseForm"/>
        <form-bean name="FindExpenseByDate" type="forms.FindExpenseByDate"/>
        <action name="AddExpenseAction" class="action.AddExpenseAction">
            <result name="success">/DisplayExpenses.jsp</result> 
            <result name="error">/error.jsp</result>
        <action name="FindExpensesAByDate" class="action.FindExpensesAByDate">
            <result name="success">/FindExpensesByDate.jsp</result>
            <result name="error">/error.jsp</result> 

enter image description here

此外,我对我的 struts-config 文件还有一个疑问,为什么我无法使用正向标记,如下面的代码所示。我附上了图片中的错误,说 "Attribute "type" must be declared for element type "action"."

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN" "http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/dtds/struts-config_1_1.dtd">

    <!-- Data Sources -->

    <!-- Form Beans -->
        <form-bean name="AddExpenseForm" type="forms.AddExpenseForm">
        <form-bean name="FindExpensesByDateForm" type="forms.FindExpensesByDateForm">

    <!-- Global Exceptions -->

    <!-- Global Forwards -->

    <!-- Action Mappings -->
        <action name="AddExpenseForm" path="/AddExpense" type="actions.AddExpenseAction">
            <forward name="success" path="/DisplayExpense.jsp">

您的 AddExpenseForm class 没有扩展 ActionForm


actions.AddExpenseAction 不存在。那不是你声明它的包。


除非你有非常具体的学习理由 Struts1,否则不要。

Struts 1 几年前就停产了,不应该用于任何新的东西。


import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
public class AddExpenseForm extends ActionForm {

    private String date;
    private Double amount;
    public String getDate() {
        return date;
    public void setDate(String date) {
        this.date = date;
    public Double getAmount() {
        return amount;
    public void setAmount(Double amount) {
        this.amount = amount;
    public String getReason() {
        return reason;
    public void setReason(String reason) {
        this.reason = reason;
     private String reason;

请看看这个 Inheritance and casting in Java