GitLab如何查看merge review评论和文件修改?

How to view merge review comments and file changes in GitLab?

我正在 GitLab 中执行合并审查(代码审查)。我输入了一些文件评论,然后作者回复了评论并对文件进行了一些更改。我可以在合并请求概述页面上查看评论线程和原始文件的相关部分。 link 将带我了解原始文件和更改后的文件之间的差异。

但是我怎样才能同时看到评论、回复和文件差异呢?在新 window?

中打开 diff link


(新手 stackexchange 用户 - 对任何违反礼节的行为表示歉意。)

如果您想查看所有合并请求,可以在左侧面板中将其作为 'Merge request' 选项选中。如果您检查特定的合并请求,您可以在底部看到 Discussion, Commits , Changes。在这里您可以更轻松地检查所做的更改。

检查 GitLab 14.6(2021 年 12 月)是否改进了您的用例:

View inline the change that outdated a merge request thread

When addressing review feedback in merge requests, you often change lines your reviewers have commented on.
In those comment threads, GitLab indicates that new changes were made.

However, to understand if those new changes address the feedback, reviewers would have to navigate away from the context of the discussion.

Now, when viewing threads related to old changes, you can view the new changes directly in the thread.
This improved context helps you review faster and more accurately.

See Documentation and Issue.