在 Wagtail 的一个块中获取页面 url

Getting the page url within a block in Wagtail

我正在尝试使用 Wagtail 2.9 创建一个允许将其文本内容共享到 Twitter 的块。该块本身很简单:

class QuotableShare(StructBlock):
    text = TextBlock(required=True)

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa-twitter'
        template = 'blocks/quotable_share.html'

但是,我想访问该块所在页面的 URL,以便将其作为 link 包含在要共享的消息中。在 quotable_share.html 模板中,我尝试过:

{{ request.get_full_path }}
{{ request.path }}
{{ request.full_path }}

但是 none 让我可以访问页面 URL。

有没有一种方法可以访问 URL 而无需在遍历 StreamField 块时将其作为模板变量传递?

来自模板渲染文档 - https://docs.wagtail.io/en/latest/topics/streamfield.html#template-rendering

Writing {{ my_block }} is roughly equivalent to {% include_block my_block %}, but the short form is more restrictive, as it does not pass variables from the calling template such as request or page; for this reason, it is recommended that you only use it for simple values that do not render HTML of their own.

因此您需要更新页面模板中的块呈现以使用不同的语法。 {% include_block my_block %}.
