在句子列表中查找单词列表和 return 匹配的句子

Finding the List of words in List of Sentences and return the matching sentences



listwords = [['people','suffering','acute'], ['Covid-19','Corona','like'], ['people','must','collectively']]

listsent = ['The number of people suffering acute hunger could almost double.',
            'Lockdowns and global economic recession have',
            'one more shock – like Covid-19 – to push them over the edge',
            'people must collectively act now to mitigate the impact']

输出列表应该是第一个和最后一个句子,因为它们在 listwords 中有三个匹配的词。


['The number of people suffering acute hunger could almost double.',
 'people must collectively act now to mitigate the impact']

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listwords = [['people','suffering','acute'], ['Covid-19','Corona','like'], ['people','must','collectively']]

listsent = ['The number of people suffering acute hunger could almost double.',
            'Lockdowns and global economic recession have',
            'one more shock – like Covid-19 – to push them over the edge',
            'people must collectively act now to mitigate the impact']

# interate through each sentence
for sentence in listsent:
    # iterate through each group of words
    for words in listwords:
        # check to see if each word group is in the current sentence
        if all(word in sentence for word in words):



for sentence in listsent:


for words in listwords


if all(word in sentence for word in words):



你也可以把它放在一个函数中,return 找到句子作为一个新列表

listwords = [['people','suffering','acute'], ['Covid-19','Corona','like'], ['people','must','collectively']]

listsent = ['The number of people suffering acute hunger could almost double.',
            'Lockdowns and global economic recession have',
            'one more shock – like Covid-19 – to push them over the edge',
            'people must collectively act now to mitigate the impact']

def check_words(listwords, listsent):
    listsent_new = []
    # interate through each sentence
    for sentence in listsent:
        # iterate through each group of words
        for words in listwords:
            # check to see if each word group is in the current sentence
            if all(word in sentence for word in words):
    return listsent_new

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(check_words(listwords, listsent))