Will peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error: ever pass an error if the CBCharacteristic's isNotifying is YES?

Will peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error: ever pass an error if the CBCharacteristic's isNotifying is YES?

当特征的isNotifying 属性设置为YES时,是否存在CBPeripheralDelegateperipheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error:会返回错误的情况?



查看可能的 Core Bluetooth Attribute Errors 大多数似乎不适用。我能看到的可能(如果不太可能)是 -

  • CBATTErrorUnlikelyError

The ATT request has encountered an unlikely error and therefore could not be completed.

这似乎是一种万能的 "something went wrong" 和

  • CBATTErrorInsufficientResources

Resources are insufficient to complete the ATT request.
