如何改进此 Entity Framework 查询

How to Improve on this Entity Framework Query


申请人来自PersonApplicant 有很多 PhoneNumber(最多三个)。每个PhoneNumber只有1个PhoneType.

public class Applicant : Person
    public virtual ICollection<PhoneNumber> PhoneNumbers { get; set; }

public class PhoneNumber 
    public int PersonId { get; set; }

    public string Number { get; set; }    

    public int PhoneTypeId { get; set; }            

    public virtual PhoneType PhoneType { get; set; }


public class PhoneType 
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<PhoneNumber> PhoneNumbers { get; set; }

在我看来,我正在使用的两个查询可以合并,并且可以消除 foreach 循环,但我在第一个查询中已经有大量连接,我不确定如何合并它们。这个问题是一个两部分的问题:

  1. 如何合并这两个查询和
  2. 如果我不合并查询,我如何改进 PhoneNumber / PhoneType 查询。

目标是 return 一个 Applicant 和一个 PhoneNumber 列表,每个 PhoneNumber 一个 PhoneType。为清楚起见,类型为:家庭、办公室和移动。

/* Obtain the Applicant                     */
IQueryable<Applicant> applicantQuery = 
      DbContext.Applicants.Where(a => a.CreatedBy == userId)
               .Include(applicant => applicant.Address)
               .Include(applicant => applicant.Address.StateProvince)
               .Include(applicant => applicant.PhoneNumbers)                                                
               .Include(applicant => applicant.HomeChurch)
               .Include(applicant => applicant.HomeChurch.Address)
               .Include(applicant => applicant.HomeChurch.Address.StateProvince)
               .Include(applicant => applicant.TripApplication);

Applicant applicant = applicantQuery.FirstOrDefault<Applicant>();

if (applicant != null && applicant.PhoneNumbers != null)
    IQueryable<PhoneType> phoneTypeQuery = DbContext.Set<PhoneType>();
    List<PhoneType> phoneTypes = phoneTypeQuery.ToList<PhoneType>();

    foreach (PhoneNumber ph in applicant.PhoneNumbers)
        ph.PhoneType = (phoneTypes.Where(pt => pt.Id == ph.PhoneTypeId)).First();


EF Core 通过组合 Include()ThenInclude() 支持加载多个级别,更多信息 here

要加载 Phone 以及 Phone 类型,您的查询应如下所示(为清楚起见,我删除了其余关系):

var applicant = DbContext.Applicants.Where(a => a.CreatedBy == userId)
        .Include(applicant => applicant.PhoneNumbers)                                                
        .ThenInclude(phone => phone.PhoneType)