在范围 v3 库中,为什么 ranges::copy 不适用于 ranges::views::chunk 的输出?

In range v3 library, why ranges::copy do not work with output of ranges::views::chunk?


#include <range/v3/all.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  auto chunklist = ranges::views::ints(1, 13) | ranges::views::chunk(4);
  for (auto rng : chunklist) {
    for (auto elt : rng)
      std::cout << elt << " ";    
    std::cout << std::endl;


1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

但是如果我尝试用 ranges::copy 代替 for 循环,我会遇到编译错误

  auto chunklist = ranges::views::ints(1, 13) | ranges::views::chunk(4);
  for (auto rng : chunklist) {
    ranges::copy(rng, std::ostream_iterator<int>{std::cout, " "}); // FAIL
    std::cout << std::endl;


note:   constraints not satisfied
note: within '...' CPP_concept_bool weakly_incrementable =
note: within '...' CPP_concept_bool semiregular =
note: within '...' CPP_concept_bool default_constructible =
note: within '...' CPP_concept_bool constructible_from =
confused by earlier errors, bailing out

我正在使用带有选项的 gcc-9.3:

g++ -fconcepts --std=c++2a chunksimplified.cc

来自 github

的 trunk range-v3 库的顶部


问题不在于 ranges::copy,只是 ranges::views 不能很好地与 std::ostream_iterator 搭配。

您可以只使用 ranges::ostream_iterator 来代替:

ranges::copy(rng, ranges::ostream_iterator<int>{std::cout, " "});  

这是一个有效的 demo