使用 boost fusion 获取结构名称

getting the structure name with boost fusion

使用 boost::fusion 可以迭代适应的结构并获取该结构的每个成员的名称。



namespace inner { 
struct test_struct {
  int a;
  int b;
} }

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT( inner::test_struct, a, b );      

我想要一个函数 return "test_struct" (或 "inner::test_struct" )

我确实检查了包含 struct_size 和其他扩展名 类 的头文件[*],但我没有找到任何具有该目的的文件。


[*] boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/extension.hpp


您可以看到 struct_member_name 扩展名,但结构名称没有这样的文字:

namespace boost {
    namespace fusion {
        namespace traits {
            template <> struct tag_of<inner::test_struct> { typedef struct_tag type; };
            template <> struct tag_of<inner::test_struct const> {
                typedef struct_tag type;
        } // namespace traits
        namespace extension {
            template <> struct access::struct_member<inner::test_struct, 0> {
                struct deduced_attr_type {
                    static const inner::test_struct& obj;
                    typedef boost::type_of::remove_cv_ref_t<decltype(obj.a)> type;
                typedef deduced_attr_type::type attribute_type;
                typedef attribute_type type;
                template <typename Seq> struct apply {
                    typedef typename add_reference<
                        typename mpl::eval_if<is_const<Seq>, add_const<attribute_type>,
                    constexpr static type call(Seq& seq) { return seq.a; }
            template <> struct struct_member_name<inner::test_struct, 0> {
                typedef char const* type;
                constexpr static type call() { return "a"; }
            template <> struct access::struct_member<inner::test_struct, 1> {
                struct deduced_attr_type {
                    static const inner::test_struct& obj;
                    typedef boost::type_of::remove_cv_ref_t<decltype(obj.b)> type;
                typedef deduced_attr_type::type attribute_type;
                typedef attribute_type type;
                template <typename Seq> struct apply {
                    typedef typename add_reference<
                        typename mpl::eval_if<is_const<Seq>, add_const<attribute_type>,
                    constexpr static type call(Seq& seq) { return seq.b; }
            template <> struct struct_member_name<inner::test_struct, 1> {
                typedef char const* type;
                constexpr static type call() { return "b"; }
            template <> struct struct_size<inner::test_struct> : mpl::int_<2> {};
            template <> struct struct_is_view<inner::test_struct> : mpl::false_ {};
        } // namespace extension
    } // namespace fusion
    namespace mpl {
        template <typename> struct sequence_tag;
        template <> struct sequence_tag<inner::test_struct> {
            typedef fusion::fusion_sequence_tag type;
        template <> struct sequence_tag<inner::test_struct const> {
            typedef fusion::fusion_sequence_tag type;
    } // namespace mpl
} // namespace boost

与往常一样,添加您自己的宏来获取额外信息可能并不难。参见例如 or Boost fusion sequence type and name identification for structs and class