你能有条件地扩展 RawRepresentable 以符合另一个协议吗?

Can you conditionally extend RawRepresentable to conform to another protocol?

有没有办法让已经符合 RawRepresentable 的类型符合协议?

考虑一个 class 的基本示例,它可以在 sqlite 数据库中存储原始值:

protocol DatabaseStoreable {}

extension Int: DatabaseStoreable {}
extension Double: DatabaseStoreable {}
extension String: DatabaseStoreable {}
extension Data: DatabaseStoreable {}

func storeValue<T: DatabaseStoreable>(_ value: T) {

我还想包含任何符合 RawRepresentable 的类型,其中 RawValue: DatabaseStorable:

extension RawRepresentable: DatabaseStoreable where Self.RawValue: DatabaseStoreable {}


Extension of protocol 'RawRepresentable' cannot have an inheritance clause


func storeValue<T: RawRepresentable>(_ value: T) where T.RawValue: DatabaseStoreable {
  // Calls through to the function above.


extension RawRepresentable where RawValue: DatabaseStoreable {

    func storeValue<T: DatabaseStoreable>(_ value: T) {
        // do stuff

enum Foo: String, DatabaseStoreable { 
    case bar


顺便说一下:它应该是 DatabaseStorable 而不是 DatabaseStoreable



extension RawRepresentable: DatabaseStoreable {}


protocol DatabaseStoreable {}

extension Int: DatabaseStoreable {}
extension Double: DatabaseStoreable {}
extension String: DatabaseStoreable {}
extension Data: DatabaseStoreable {}

func storeValue<T: DatabaseStoreable>(_ value: T) {
     print("T store(\(value))")

extension RawRepresentable {
    func storeValue<T: DatabaseStoreable>(_ value: T) {
        print("RawRepresentable store(\(value))")

enum Test: String {
    case A
    case B

class DataBaseStore: DatabaseStoreable {}

let myTest = Test.A
let databaseStore = DataBaseStore()
myTest.storeValue(databaseStore) // prints RawRepresentable store(__lldb_expr_15.DataBaseStore)