Fetchxml 如何在 groupby fetch 中获取多个属性(聚合)

Fetchxml How to fetch multiple attributes in a groupby fetch (aggregate)

我有一个 fetchxml,在我向 fetch 添加另一个属性之前它工作正常。

 <attribute name="ey_b_closed_conversations" alias="isClosed" /> 

这是我添加到 fetch 中的行,现在不起作用。 以下代码是完整的fetchxml。

<fetch mapping="logical" version="1.0" aggregate="true" distinct="false"> 
  <entity name="ey_case_branch_callcenter_inquiry">
    <attribute name="ey_s_name" alias="count" aggregate="countcolumn" /> 
    <attribute name="ey_p_action" alias="id" groupby="true" /> 
    <attribute name="ey_b_closed_conversations" alias="isClosed" />  
     <condition attribute="ey_case_sub_subjectid" operator="eq" value="{9E52CB8E-BEA6-E411-AFFF-0050568C0143}" />
    <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />       

我可以在聚合的 fetchxml 中获取的属性数量是否有任何限制? 如何将我的附加(非聚合)属性添加到提取中?

Are there any limitations on the number of attributes I can fetch in an aggregated fetchxml?


How can I add my additional (non-aggregated) attribute to the fetch?


您可能收到此错误:An attribute can not be requested when an aggregate operation has been specified and its neither groupby nor aggregate.

这类似于 SQL 错误:Column 'xxxx' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

出现此错误是因为您查询中的以下行中没有 groupbyaggregate 属性。

<attribute name="ey_b_closed_conversations" alias="isClosed" />

引用 this community post

This is because when you group by you can only include an attribute that you are not grouping-by as an aggregate ( E.g sum/min/max/count)


<fetch mapping="logical" version="1.0" aggregate="true" distinct="false" >
  <entity name="account" >
    <attribute name="name" alias="count" aggregate="countcolumn" />
    <attribute name="telephone2" alias="phone" groupby="true" />
    <attribute name="telephone1" alias="mobile" aggregate="count" />
    <attribute name="accountnumber" alias="number" groupby="true" />
      <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />


SELECT   count(name) AS count,
         count(telephone1) AS mobile,
         telephone2 AS phone,
         accountnumber AS number
FROM     account
WHERE    statecode = 0
GROUP BY telephone2, accountnumber


<attribute name="ey_b_closed_conversations" alias="isClosed" aggregate="count" />

<attribute name="ey_b_closed_conversations" alias="isClosed" groupby="true" />