
Inserting large amounts of data in sqlite

我正在为 sqlite3 中的数据库进行倒排索引查找 table。我拥有的数据库包含某些博主及其 posts.

我有一个 table post,其中包含列 id、text、blogger_id。这个 table 由 ~680 000 post 组成。我想用 blogger_id、post_id、word_position、word_id.

列创建一个 table Blogger_Post_Word

我正在为此使用 Python,我之前尝试过两种方法,但都存在问题。

是否有解决此问题的有效方法或一次性解决此问题的 sql 语句?

编辑: 这是我现在使用的代码:

def get_word_id(_word: str) -> int:
    word_w_id = db.get_one('Word', ['word'], (word,))
    if word_w_id is None:
        db.insert_one('Word', ['word'], (word,))
        word_w_id = db.get_one('Word', ['word'], (word,))
    return word_w_id[0]

for post_id, text, creation_date, blogger_id in db.get_all('Post'):
    split_text = text.split(' ')

    for word_position, word in enumerate(split_text):
        word_id = get_word_id(word)

                      ['blogger_id', 'post_id', 'word_position', 'word_id'],
                      (blogger_id, post_id, word_position, word_id))

db 是我写的 class 来处理数据库,这些是 class 我使用的函数:

def get(self, table: str, where_cols: list = None, where_vals: tuple = None):
    query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + table

    if where_cols is not None and where_vals is not None:
        where_cols = [w + '=?' for w in where_cols]
        query += ' WHERE ' + ' and '.join(where_cols)

        return self.c.execute(query, where_vals)

    return self.c.execute(query)

def get_one(self, table: str, where_cols: list = None, where_vals: tuple = None):
    self.get(table, where_cols, where_vals)
    return self.c.fetchone()

def insert_one(self, table: str, columns: list, values: tuple):
    query = self.to_insert_query(table, columns)
    self.c.execute(query, values)

def to_insert_query(self, table: str, columns: list):
    return 'INSERT INTO ' + table + '(' + ','.join(columns) + ')' + ' VALUES (' + ','.join(['?' for i in columns]) + ')'




我显示了列表的大小以确定瓶颈。 68万中的15万个帖子好像是我的瓶颈。列表的总大小约为 4.5 GB。

from pympler.asizeof import asizeof

>>> 4590991936

我决定增加 50 000 个帖子以保持一切 运行 顺利。


# get all posts
c.execute('SELECT * FROM Post')
all_posts = c.fetchall()

increment = 50000

start = 0
end = increment

while start < len(all_posts):
    indexed_data = []

    print(start, ' -> ', end)

    for post_id, text, creation_date, blogger_id in all_posts[start:end]:
        split_text = text.split(' ')

        # for each word in the post add a tuple with blogger id, post id, word position in the post and the word to indexed_data
        indexed_data.extend([(blogger_id, post_id, word_position, word) for word_position, word in enumerate(split_text)])

    INSERT INTO Inverted_index (blogger_id, post_id, word_position, word)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
    ''', indexed_data)

    start += increment
    if end + increment > len(all_posts):
        end = len(all_posts)
        end += increment