
Ordinal Logistic Regression giving illogical results

我使用 polr() 制作了一个 OLR 模型。因变量是比赛的结果。主场赢球为 2,平局为 1,客场赢球(=主场负)为 0。 我检查了假设(多重共线性、成比例的几率……),它们看起来不错。 但是,当我 运行 模型时,我得到了一些不合逻辑的相关系数。 例如,红牌给出的结果与预期相反:主队的红牌具有正显着系数,而客队的红牌具有负显着系数。 我检查了数据,红牌似乎并没有被调换,它们属于正确的球队。此外,似乎大多数时候红牌球队也不会获胜。 7300 场比赛中有 1300 场有红牌,所以看起来他们的人数也不算少。 我在这里错过了什么吗?我做错了什么?


m4_test <- polr(WHOWINS ~  H_NUMBER_RED + A_NUMBER_RED + H_Pts_Percentage_EUR + A_Pts_Percentage_EUR,data=basetable4_reg, Hess=TRUE)
#Get the p-values
#Store the coefficient table
m4.coef_test <- data.frame(round(coef(summary(m4_test)),5))
#Calculate and store p values
m4.coef_test$pval <- pnorm(abs(m4.coef_test$t.value),lower.tail=F)*2
#Visualize table


polr(formula = WHOWINS ~ H_NUMBER_RED + A_NUMBER_RED + H_Pts_Percentage_EUR + 
    A_Pts_Percentage_EUR, data = basetable4_reg, Hess = TRUE)

                        Value Std. Error t value
H_NUMBER_RED          0.84042   0.079512  10.570
A_NUMBER_RED         -0.72626   0.074311  -9.773
H_Pts_Percentage_EUR -0.05309   0.001499 -35.417
A_Pts_Percentage_EUR  0.05027   0.001432  35.101

    Value    Std. Error t value 
2|1  -0.4215   0.0895    -4.7094
1|0   1.0331   0.0905    11.4210

Residual Deviance: 13188.37 
AIC: 13200.37 

Table p 值:

                        Value Std..Error   t.value          pval
H_NUMBER_RED          0.84042    0.07951  10.56966  4.119855e-26
A_NUMBER_RED         -0.72626    0.07431  -9.77314  1.468294e-22
H_Pts_Percentage_EUR -0.05309    0.00150 -35.41694 9.368040e-275
A_Pts_Percentage_EUR  0.05027    0.00143  35.10123 6.455702e-270
2|1                  -0.42150    0.08950  -4.70938  2.484714e-06
1|0                   1.03306    0.09045  11.42103  3.283196e-30


'data.frame':   7913 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ H_NUMBER_RED        : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ A_NUMBER_RED        : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
 $ H_Pts_Percentage_EUR: num  33.3 0 0 0 33.3 ...
 $ A_Pts_Percentage_EUR: num  33.3 100 100 100 33.3 ...
 $ WHOWINS             : Factor w/ 3 levels "2","1","0": 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 ...

此外,我发现使用图形方法检查比例赔率假设值是红牌=2/3或黄色=7/8,比例赔率假设不成立。这可能是我奇怪结果的原因吗?如果假设似乎成立,我还能看看其他变量吗? 比例赔率假设代码(包含所有变量):

basetable4_reg_num <- basetable4_reg
basetable4_reg_num$WHOWINS <- as.numeric(levels(basetable4_reg_num$WHOWINS))[basetable4_reg_num$WHOWINS]
#Last assumption: proportional odds
#The relationship between each pair of outcome groups has to be the same
sf <- function(y) {
  c('Y>=0' = qlogis(mean(y >= 0)),
    'Y>=1' = qlogis(mean(y >= 1)),
    'Y>=2' = qlogis(mean(y >= 2)))

#Filter out some unusual matches (8yellows,3 reds for 1 team)
basetable4_reg_num <- dplyr::filter(basetable4_reg_num, H_NUMBER_YELLOW != 8 & A_NUMBER_YELLOW != 8 & H_NUMBER_RED != 3 & A_NUMBER_RED != 3)
(s4 <- with(basetable4_reg_num, summary(WHOWINS ~ spi1 + spi2 + H_NUMBER_YELLOW + H_NUMBER_RED + A_NUMBER_YELLOW + A_NUMBER_RED + H_cluster_2 + A_cluster_2 +
                                          H_cluster_3 + A_cluster_3 + H_Pts_Percentage_EUR + A_Pts_Percentage_EUR + H_STRONG_OPPONENT + 
                                          A_STRONG_OPPONENT + Rest_Difference_EUR +  H_FORM_EUR + A_FORM_EUR + H_break_EUR + A_break_EUR + 
                                          H_START_H_EUR + A_START_H_EUR  + H_carryover_EUR + A_carryover_EUR + H_SPI_First5 + A_SPI_First5, fun=sf)))

s4[, 4] <- s4[, 4] - s4[, 3]
s4[, 3] <- s4[, 3] - s4[, 3]
plot(s4, which=1:3, pch=1:3, xlab='logit', main=' ',xlim=range(s4[,3:4]))


WHOWINS     N= 7908 

|                    |            |N   |Y>=0|Y>=1|Y>=2      |
|spi1                |[15.9,53.0) |1977|Inf |0   |-1.0569194|
|                    |[53.0,63.0) |1979|Inf |0   |-1.0161198|
|                    |[63.0,73.3) |1975|Inf |0   |-1.0895256|
|                    |[73.3,96.6] |1977|Inf |0   |-1.0642268|
|spi2                |[15.9,52.5) |1978|Inf |0   |-1.0419683|
|                    |[52.5,62.5) |1979|Inf |0   |-1.1741643|
|                    |[62.5,72.7) |1975|Inf |0   |-1.0844946|
|                    |[72.7,96.8] |1976|Inf |0   |-0.9532292|
|H_NUMBER_YELLOW     |0           |1230|Inf |0   |-0.9611662|
|                    |1           |2195|Inf |0   |-0.9644353|
|                    |2           |2248|Inf |0   |-1.0575133|
|                    |3           |1355|Inf |0   |-1.0423640|
|                    |4           | 622|Inf |0   |-1.1662965|
|                    |5           | 177|Inf |0   |-1.0883802|
|                    |6           |  71|Inf |0   |-0.9221403|
|                    |7           |  10|Inf |0   |-0.9808293|
|H_NUMBER_RED        |0           |7264|Inf |0   |-1.0072793|
|                    |1           | 607|Inf |0   |-1.2562432|
|                    |2           |  37|Inf |0   |-1.6137763|
|A_NUMBER_YELLOW     |0           | 834|Inf |0   |-0.8696210|
|                    |1           |1901|Inf |0   |-0.9520453|
|                    |2           |2285|Inf |0   |-0.9992627|
|                    |3           |1650|Inf |0   |-1.0768545|
|                    |4           | 827|Inf |0   |-1.1357586|
|                    |5           | 299|Inf |0   |-1.0880402|
|                    |6           |  92|Inf |0   |-1.1409147|
|                    |7           |  20|Inf |0   |-2.0053336|
|A_NUMBER_RED        |0           |7042|Inf |0   |-0.9986183|
|                    |1           | 815|Inf |0   |-1.2406663|
|                    |2           |  51|Inf |0   |-1.9076889|
|H_cluster_2         |No          |7768|Inf |0   |-1.0091839|
|                    |Yes         | 140|Inf |0   |-1.0332204|
|A_cluster_2         |No          |7780|Inf |0   |-1.0105230|
|                    |Yes         | 128|Inf |0   |-0.9363063|
|H_cluster_3         |No          |1992|Inf |0   |-1.0146787|
|                    |Yes         |5916|Inf |0   |-1.0508935|
|A_cluster_3         |No          |2008|Inf |0   |-0.9388268|
|                    |Yes         |5900|Inf |0   |-1.1029711|
|H_Pts_Percentage_EUR|[ 0.0, 34.2)|2133|Inf |0   |-1.2214355|
|                    |[34.2, 44.7)|1858|Inf |0   |-1.2183999|
|                    |[44.7, 60.2)|1966|Inf |0   |-1.0843063|
|                    |[60.2,100.0]|1951|Inf |0   |-1.1211798|
|A_Pts_Percentage_EUR|[ 0.0, 34.2)|2339|Inf |0   |-1.5060732|
|                    |[34.2, 43.5)|1618|Inf |0   |-1.1830666|
|                    |[43.5, 58.5)|2007|Inf |0   |-1.0830832|
|                    |[58.5,100.0]|1944|Inf |0   |-1.0057895|
|H_STRONG_OPPONENT   |No          |5829|Inf |0   |-1.1251621|
|                    |Yes         |2079|Inf |0   |-0.9843824|
|A_STRONG_OPPONENT   |No          |5797|Inf |0   |-1.0614260|
|                    |Yes         |2111|Inf |0   |-1.1012423|
|Rest_Difference_EUR |[-158, 0)   |2501|Inf |0   |-1.0896414|
|                    |   0        |2995|Inf |0   |-1.0013136|
|                    |   1        |1525|Inf |0   |-0.9891562|
|                    |[   2,93]   | 887|Inf |0   |-0.9629256|
|H_FORM_EUR          |[ 0.0, 33.3)|2450|Inf |0   |-1.0091252|
|                    |[33.3, 50.0)|2374|Inf |0   |-1.0757834|
|                    |[50.0, 66.7)|1221|Inf |0   |-1.1282879|
|                    |[66.7,100.0]|1863|Inf |0   |-0.9635144|
|A_FORM_EUR          |[ 0.0, 33.3)|2263|Inf |0   |-1.0342653|
|                    |[33.3, 50.0)|2357|Inf |0   |-1.0422817|
|                    |[50.0, 73.3)|1990|Inf |0   |-1.0846315|
|                    |[73.3,100.0]|1298|Inf |0   |-0.9889462|
|H_break_EUR         |No          |6536|Inf |0   |-1.0147032|
|                    |Yes         |1372|Inf |0   |-0.9930284|
|A_break_EUR         |No          |6591|Inf |0   |-1.0197689|
|                    |Yes         |1317|Inf |0   |-0.9578141|
|H_START_H_EUR       |No          |3882|Inf |0   |-1.0048689|
|                    |Yes         |4026|Inf |0   |-1.0160930|
|A_START_H_EUR       |No          |3978|Inf |0   |-1.0027812|
|                    |Yes         |3930|Inf |0   |-1.0159319|
|H_carryover_EUR     |[ 20.9,105) |1977|Inf |0   |-0.9494935|
|                    |[105.1,124) |1980|Inf |0   |-1.0342376|
|                    |[124.4,141) |1974|Inf |0   |-1.0134742|
|                    |[141.1,191] |1977|Inf |0   |-1.0487209|
|A_carryover_EUR     |[ 23,106)   |1979|Inf |0   |-0.9280581|
|                    |[106,125)   |1976|Inf |0   |-1.0737660|
|                    |[125,142)   |1976|Inf |0   |-0.9633857|
|                    |[142,191]   |1977|Inf |0   |-1.0930709|
|H_SPI_First5        |[158,277)   |1985|Inf |0   |-0.9429083|
|                    |[277,319)   |1980|Inf |0   |-1.0571709|
|                    |[319,348)   |1977|Inf |0   |-1.0758229|
|                    |[348,402]   |1966|Inf |0   |-0.9636855|
|A_SPI_First5        |[158,274)   |1982|Inf |0   |-0.9420248|
|                    |[274,318)   |1984|Inf |0   |-1.0908272|
|                    |[318,347)   |1968|Inf |0   |-0.9653452|
|                    |[347,402]   |1974|Inf |0   |-1.0389595|
|Overall             |            |7908|Inf |0   |-1.0092373|


您的 str 显示 WHOWINS: Factor w/ 3 levels "2","1","0",这意味着 "2""1" 之前在 "0" 之前。因此 H_NUMBER_RED 的正系数从 "low" 2 值向上拉向 "high" 0 值。尝试 basetable4_reg = factor(basetable4_reg, levels = c("0", "1", "2"), ordered = TRUE) 解决问题。