是否有 IO 功能可以在 kedro 中存储经过训练的模型?

Is there IO functionality to store trained models in kedro?

IO section of the kedro API docs 中我找不到功能 w.r.t。存储经过训练的模型(例如 .pkl.joblibONNXPMML)?我错过了什么吗?

https://kedro.readthedocs.io/en/latest/kedro.extras.datasets.pickle.PickleDataSet.html and joblib support in PickleDataSet is in the next release (see https://github.com/quantumblacklabs/kedro/blob/develop/RELEASE.md)


kedro.io 中有 pickle 数据集,您可以使用它来保存经过训练的模型 and/or 任何您想要 pickle 并且是可序列化的(模型是一个常见对象)。它接受默认为 picklebackend,但如果您想使用 joblib 可以设置为 joblib

我只是想快速指出,Kedro 将在 joblib 支持下转向 kedro.extras.datasets for its datasets and moving away from having non-core datasets in kedro.io. You might want to look at kedro.extras.datasets and in Kedro 0.16 onwards pickle.PickleDataSet

凯卓 spaceflights tutorial in the documentation actually saves the trained linear regression model using the pickle dataset if you want to see an example of it. The relevant section is here.