将函数广播到 3D 数组 Python
Broadcasting a function to a 3D array Python
我试着理解 但我认为 OP 的要求略有不同。
我有一个像这样的 3D numpy 数组 -
IQ = np.array([
], dtype = 'float64')
这个数组的形状是(2,2,2)。我想像这样对这个 3D 矩阵中的每个 1x2 数组应用一个函数 -
def func(IQ):
I = IQ[0]
Q = IQ[1]
amp = np.power((np.power(I,2) + np.power(Q, 2)),1/2)
phase = math.atan(Q/I)
return [amp, phase]
如您所见,我想将我的函数应用于每个 1x2 数组,并将其替换为我函数的 return 值。输出是具有相同维度的 3D 数组。有没有办法将这个函数广播到我原来的 3D 数组中的每个 1x2 数组?目前我正在使用循环,随着 3D 数组维度的增加,循环变得非常慢。
#IQ is defined from above
for i in range(IQ.shape[0]):
for j in range(IQ.shape[1]):
I = IQ[i,j,0]
Q = IQ[i,j,1]
amp = np.power((np.power(I,2) + np.power(Q, 2)),1/2)
phase = math.atan(Q/I)
IQ[i,j,0] = amp
IQ[i,j,1] = phase
returned 3D 数组是 -
[[[ 2.23606798 1.10714872]
[ 5. 0.92729522]]
[[ 7.81024968 0.87605805]
[10.63014581 0.85196633]]]
# sort of sum of squares along axis 2, ie (IQ[..., 0]**2 + IQ[..., 1]**2 + ...)**0.5
amp = np.sqrt(np.square(IQ).sum(axis=2))
>>> array([[ 2.23606798, 5. ],
[ 7.81024968, 10.63014581]])
# and phase is arctan for each component in each matrix
phase = np.arctan2(IQ[..., 1], IQ[..., 0])
>>> array([[1.10714872, 0.92729522],
[0.87605805, 0.85196633]])
# then combine the arrays to 3d
np.stack([amp, phase], axis=2)
>>> array([[[ 2.23606798, 1.10714872],
[ 5. , 0.92729522]],
[[ 7.81024968, 0.87605805],
[10.63014581, 0.85196633]]])
一种方法是对数组进行切片以提取 I 和 Q 值,使用普通广播执行计算,然后将值重新组合在一起:
>>> Is, Qs = IQ[...,0], IQ[...,1]
>>> np.stack(((Is**2 + Qs**2) ** 0.5, np.arctan2(Qs, Is)), axis=-1)
array([[[ 2.23606798, 1.10714872],
[ 5. , 0.92729522]],
[[ 7.81024968, 0.87605805],
[10.63014581, 0.85196633]]])
I = IQ[..., 0]
Q = IQ[..., 1]
amp = np.linalg.norm(IQ, axis= 2)
phase = np.arctan(Q/I)
IQ[..., 0] = amp
IQ[..., 1] = phase
>> [[[ 2.23606798, 1.10714872],
[ 5. , 0.92729522]],
[[ 7.81024968, 0.87605805],
[10.63014581, 0.85196633]]]
我有一个像这样的 3D numpy 数组 -
IQ = np.array([
], dtype = 'float64')
这个数组的形状是(2,2,2)。我想像这样对这个 3D 矩阵中的每个 1x2 数组应用一个函数 -
def func(IQ):
I = IQ[0]
Q = IQ[1]
amp = np.power((np.power(I,2) + np.power(Q, 2)),1/2)
phase = math.atan(Q/I)
return [amp, phase]
如您所见,我想将我的函数应用于每个 1x2 数组,并将其替换为我函数的 return 值。输出是具有相同维度的 3D 数组。有没有办法将这个函数广播到我原来的 3D 数组中的每个 1x2 数组?目前我正在使用循环,随着 3D 数组维度的增加,循环变得非常慢。
#IQ is defined from above
for i in range(IQ.shape[0]):
for j in range(IQ.shape[1]):
I = IQ[i,j,0]
Q = IQ[i,j,1]
amp = np.power((np.power(I,2) + np.power(Q, 2)),1/2)
phase = math.atan(Q/I)
IQ[i,j,0] = amp
IQ[i,j,1] = phase
returned 3D 数组是 -
[[[ 2.23606798 1.10714872]
[ 5. 0.92729522]]
[[ 7.81024968 0.87605805]
[10.63014581 0.85196633]]]
# sort of sum of squares along axis 2, ie (IQ[..., 0]**2 + IQ[..., 1]**2 + ...)**0.5
amp = np.sqrt(np.square(IQ).sum(axis=2))
>>> array([[ 2.23606798, 5. ],
[ 7.81024968, 10.63014581]])
# and phase is arctan for each component in each matrix
phase = np.arctan2(IQ[..., 1], IQ[..., 0])
>>> array([[1.10714872, 0.92729522],
[0.87605805, 0.85196633]])
# then combine the arrays to 3d
np.stack([amp, phase], axis=2)
>>> array([[[ 2.23606798, 1.10714872],
[ 5. , 0.92729522]],
[[ 7.81024968, 0.87605805],
[10.63014581, 0.85196633]]])
一种方法是对数组进行切片以提取 I 和 Q 值,使用普通广播执行计算,然后将值重新组合在一起:
>>> Is, Qs = IQ[...,0], IQ[...,1]
>>> np.stack(((Is**2 + Qs**2) ** 0.5, np.arctan2(Qs, Is)), axis=-1)
array([[[ 2.23606798, 1.10714872],
[ 5. , 0.92729522]],
[[ 7.81024968, 0.87605805],
[10.63014581, 0.85196633]]])
I = IQ[..., 0]
Q = IQ[..., 1]
amp = np.linalg.norm(IQ, axis= 2)
phase = np.arctan(Q/I)
IQ[..., 0] = amp
IQ[..., 1] = phase
>> [[[ 2.23606798, 1.10714872],
[ 5. , 0.92729522]],
[[ 7.81024968, 0.87605805],
[10.63014581, 0.85196633]]]