
I could not understand what my homework says

预计是Accountclass,其中User对象,余额,最小余额 limit,账号,iban number信息被保存,所有的accessor和mutator class 的方法已创建。此外,你应该开发一种方法, 在此 class 内执行电子转帐交易,并将接收方帐户对象作为 范围。您还需要创建一个执行余额检查的方法 需要执行 Eft 交易。

我的一部分作业需要我创建上面留下的两种方法。我创建了方法,但我不知道它是否足够工作。请你检查一下好吗? 请您不要理解,因为我希望您编写实际代码,请告诉我哪里错了。暂时感谢

public class Account {
private User user;
private int balance;
private int minBalanceLim;
private String accNum;
private String IBAN;

public User getUser() {
    return user;

public int getBalance() {
    return balance;

public int getMinBalanceLim() {
    return minBalanceLim;

public String getAccNum() {
    return accNum;

public String getIBAN() {
    return IBAN;

public void setUser(User user) {
    this.user = user;

public void setBalance(int balance) {
    this.balance = balance;

public void setMinBalanceLim(int minBalanceLim) {
    this.minBalanceLim = minBalanceLim;

public void setAccNum(String accNum) {
    this.accNum = accNum;

public void setIBAN(String IBAN) {
    this.IBAN = IBAN;

public void eft(Account receiver, Account sender, int amount)
   if(sender.balanceCheck(sender, amount))
       System.out.println(sender.getUser().getName() + " has not enough money");
public boolean balanceCheck(Account sender, int amount)
    return sender.getBalance()>= amount;
public boolean balanceCheck(int amount) {
  // so we changed it here, as you have the getMinBalanceLim it should be used
  return this.getBalance() - amount >= this.getMinBalanceLim();

public void etf(Account receiver, int amount) {
  if (this.balanceCheck(amount)) 
    // set the balance of the receiver
    receiver.setBalance(receiver.getBalance() + amount);

    // set the balance of the user
    this.setBalance(this.getBalance() - amount);
    // handle your error (user has no money, he broke)


// ... inside your main method
a1.etf(a2, 23);