
How to get access to user information by if statement?


int list_view(char *name, size_t namesize){
    printf("For person details, please enter the person name and id card number: \n");
    printf("Enter your Name: ");
    if(!fgets(name, namesize, stdin)){
      printf("No access");
      return 0;
    FILE * fr;
    int one_by_one;
    fr = fopen("/home/bilal/Documents/file.txt", "r");
    for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
        printf("\nHere is your "); 
        while((one_by_one = fgetc(fr)) != EOF && one_by_one != '\n'){
          printf("%c",one_by_one); /*  display on screen*/
  return 0;


if(!fgets(dob, dobsize, stdin))

看到“!” if


假设您的文件在同一行中包含名称和这些名称的详细信息,在文件中按名称创建简单搜索并将其与输入的名称进行比较。假设行号不超过 199 个字符,不包括不超过 99 个字符的名称和一个单词,下面是一个可能的实现示例:

Live demo

int list_view(char *name, size_t namesize)
    char line[200];
    char name2[100];

    printf("For person details, please enter the person name and id card number: \n");
    printf("Enter your Name: ");

    if (!fgets(name, namesize, stdin)){//read name from stdin
        perror("Error while reading!");
        return 0;
    name[strcspn(name, "\n")] = '[=10=]'; //remove \n

    FILE *fr;

    if(!(fr = fopen("/home/bilal/Documents/file.txt", "r"))){ //always check fopen for errors
      perror("Unable to open file");
      return 0;

    while(fscanf(fr, "%99s", name2) == 1) //search name in the file
        if(!strcmp(name2, name)){ //the name is found print the rest of the line
            if(fscanf(fr, "%199[^\n]", line) == 1){ 
                printf("%s", line);
                return 1;
    return 0;