Python 字符串索引和字符比较

Python string index and character comparing


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    char string[] = "bobgetbob";
    int i = 0, count = 0;
    for(i; i < 10; ++i)
            if(string[i] == 'b' && string[i+1] == 'o' && string[i+2] == 'b')
    printf("Number of 'bobs' is: %d\n",count);


但在 python 术语中是这样工作的

count = 0
s = "bobgetbob"
for i in range(0,len(s)):
    if s[i] == 'b' and s[i+1] == 'o' and s[i+2] == 'b':
        count += 1
print "Number of 'bobs' is: %d" % count

每当我得到一个字符串恰好以 'b' 结尾,或者倒数第二个是 'b' 后跟 'o' 我得到一个索引超出范围错误。现在在 c 中这不是问题,因为它仍然会执行与我假设与 c 一起使用的垃圾值的比较。

如何在不超出范围的情况下在 python 中执行此操作?


for letter in s:
    #compare stuff


letter == 'b' and letter + 1 == 'o'

这是 python 中的无效语法,我的问题是我在考虑 c 并且我不完全确定处理这种情况的正确语法。 我知道像这样的字符串切片

for i in range(0,len(s)):
    if s[i:i+3] == "bob":
        count += 1

这解决了这个特定问题,但是,我觉得使用特定索引位置来比较字符是一个非常强大的工具。我一辈子都想不出如何在 python 中正确地执行此操作,而不会像上面的第一个 python 示例那样出现一些破坏它的情况。

Could i iterate through the string itself like so?

for letter in s:
#compare stuff 

How would I compare specific indexes in the string using the above method?

在不具体引用索引的情况下进行此类比较的 pythonic 方式是:

for curr, nextt, nexttt in zip(s, s[1:], s[2:]):
    if curr == 'b' and nextt == 'o' and nexttt == 'b':
         count += 1

这避免了超出索引的错误。您还可以使用推导式,这样就无需初始化和更新 count 变量。此行将执行与您的 C 代码相同的操作:

>>> sum(1 for curr, nextt, nexttt in zip(s, s[1:], s[2:])
          if curr == 'b' and nextt == 'o' and nexttt == 'b')

工作原理: 这是列表之间压缩的结果:

>>> s
>>> s[1:]
>>> s[2:]

>>> zip(s, s[1:], s[2:])
[('b', 'o', 'b'),
 ('o', 'b', 'g'),
 ('b', 'g', 'e'),
 ('g', 'e', 't'),
 ('e', 't', 'b'),
 ('t', 'b', 'o'),
 ('b', 'o', 'b')]



>>> for i, c in enumerate(s):
        print i, c   
0 b
1 o
2 b
3 g
4 e
5 t
6 b
7 o
8 b

试试这个 - 即转到 len(s)-2 因为在那之后你将永远不会得到一个 bob

count = 0
s = "bobgetbob"
for i in range(len(s) - 2):
    if s[i] == 'b' and s[i + 1] == 'o' and s[i + 2] == 'b':
        count += 1
print "Number of 'bobs' is: %d" % count


print("number of bobs {}".format(sum(s[i:i+3] == "bob" for i in xrange(len(s)) )))

你也可以用索引作弊,即 s[i+2:i+3] 不会抛出 indexError :

count = 0
s = "bobgetbob"
for i in range(0,len(s)):
    if s[i] == 'b' and s[i+1:i+2] == 'o' and s[i+2:i+3] == 'b':
        count += 1
print "Number of 'bobs' is: %d" % count
Number of 'bobs' is: 2

总的来说,这是比较慢的方法;您最好将尽可能多的委托给更高性能的对象方法,例如 str.find:

def how_many(needle, haystack):
        needle:   str to search for
        haystack: str to search in

    Return the number of (possibly overlapping)
      occurrences of needle which appear in haystack

    ex,  how_many("bb", "bbbbb")  => 4
    count = 0
    i = 0      # starting search index
    while True:
        ni = haystack.find(needle, i)
        if ni != -1:
            count += 1
            i = ni + 1
            return count

how_many("bob", "bobgetbob")    # => 2

haystack.find(needle, i) returns 下一次出现的 needle 的起始索引,从索引 i 或之后开始,或者 -1 如果没有这样的索引出现。


"bobgetbob".find("bob", 0)    # returns 0    => found 1
"bobgetbob".find("bob", 1)    # returns 6    => found 1
"bobgetbob".find("bob", 7)    # returns -1   => no more
count = 0
for i in range(0,len(s)-2):
    if s[i] == 'b' and s[i+1] == 'o' and s[i+2] == 'b':
        count += 1
print "Number of 'bobs' is: %d" % count