将代码块从 asciidoc 转换为 markdown

Convert codeblocks from asciidoc to markdown

我正在尝试将一些文档从 asciidoc 格式转换为 Markdown。由于 pandoc 无法自行完成,我也使用 asciidoctor 来转换为中间文档文件:

asciidoctor -v -a leveloffset=+1 -d book -b docbook -s test.adoc -o test.xml
pandoc --highlight-style=pygments -f docbook --atx-headers -t markdown_strict test.xml -o test.Md

好像代码块没有正确转换。它们在 docbook 中没问题,但在 Md 中转换时,我只有一个通用的块引用块,没有语法突出显示。这是一个例子。

原始 asciidoc 块:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    // Declaring one integer variable named a
    int a;

    // Declaring two at once: b and c
    int b, c;

    a = 1;
    b = 2;
    c = 3;

    // print out the values of our variables
    printf("a is %d, b is %d, and c is %d.\n", a, b, c);

    return a + b + c;


<programlisting language="c++" linenumbering="unnumbered">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

int main(void)
    // Declaring one integer variable named a
    int a;

    // Declaring two at once: b and c
    int b, c;

    a = 1;
    b = 2;
    c = 3;

    // print out the values of our variables
    printf("a is %d, b is %d, and c is %d.\n", a, b, c);

    return a + b + c;

我有 Markdown(只是缩进)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    // Declaring one integer variable named a
    int a;

    // Declaring two at once: b and c
    int b, c;

    a = 1;
    b = 2;
    c = 3;

    // print out the values of our variables
    printf("a is %d, b is %d, and c is %d.\n", a, b, c);

    return a + b + c;


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    // Declaring one integer variable named a
    int a;

    // Declaring two at once: b and c
    int b, c;

    a = 1;
    b = 2;
    c = 3;

    // print out the values of our variables
    printf("a is %d, b is %d, and c is %d.\n", a, b, c);

    return a + b + c;

我正在使用 pandoc


问题出在 markdown_strict。使用不同的降价变体和 pandoc backtick_code_blocks 扩展将解决,即:

pandoc --highlight-style=pygments -f docbook -t markdown-backtick_code_blocks test.xml -o test.Md