Neo4j OGM - 过滤器组合

Neo4j OGM - filters combination

我需要在 neo4j-ogm 中使用 Filter/Filters 形成一个动态查询。 查询的简化版本可能如下所示:

(A and B and C)
  and (
      (D or E) and not (F or J)
      (H or I) and not (G or K)
    ...... more conditions like this




当前版本似乎无法做到这一点。 我最终 'flatting' 条件树变成了这样的结构:

A and B and C and D and not F and not J or 
A and B and C and E and not F and not J or 
A and B and C and H and not G and not K or 
A and B and C and I and not G and not K

出于调试目的,这相当丑陋且不可读,但 AND 优先于 OR,应该可以工作。