使用 binet 公式直接计算第 n 个 Fibonacci 项,而无需查找先前的项。 (在 O(1) 时间内)

Computing directly nth Fibonacci term without finding previous terms using binet's formula. (in O(1) time)

from math import sqrt

n = int(input())
phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2

fib_n = round((phi**n))



from math import sqrt

n = int(input())
phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2

fib_n = round((phi**n)/sqrt(5))


这段代码在第 6 行除以 sqrt(5) 后绝对完美。


  1. What is the significance of dividing by sqrt(5) and why only sqrt(5) and not any other number?
  2. Can I solve the same thing using the floor or ceiling (or any other) and without dividing by root(5)?


这是错误的公式。 公式应为:

from math import sqrt

n = int(input())
phi1 = (1 + sqrt(5))/2
phi2 = (1 - sqrt(5))/2

fib_n = (pow(phi1, n) - pow(phi2, n)) / sqrt(5)


sqrt(5) 出来的证明:Proof 基本上,sqrt(5) 来自求解部分分数

旁注:pow(phi, n) 通常比 phi ** n 更有效,它还可以计算模数。 pow(phi, n, m) 给出 (phi ** n) % m