从 txt 文件中提取字符串并将其添加到列表中 - Python3

Extract string from txt file and add it to list - Python3


start = '\" alt=\"\" aria-label=\"'
end = '\"'


for filename in os.listdir(path):
    if filename.endswith(".txt"):
        fullpath = os.path.join(path, filename)

    with open("fullpath", "r") as file:
    #extract strings

它被称为文件处理你使用打开函数打开(文件名或路径,然后模式 r 用于读取 w 用于写入 a 用于追加) 给你的代码:

with open(fullpath, 'r') as f: x.append(f.readlines)

试试这个。 (假设您的 startend 正则表达式模式是正确的)。使用 regex 库。

import re
pattern = start + ‘\s*()\s*’ + end
pattern = re.compile(pattern) # for speeding up 
re.findall(pattern, text_from_file)

使用 glob 库获取具有特定扩展名的文件列表。

from glob import glob
# get a list of target files
files = glob(“path/to/files/*.txt”)
results = list()
# keep track of files without matches
nonmatched = list()

for file in files: 
    # open and access file-content
    with open(file, ‘r’) as f:
        text_from_file = f.read()
    # search for patterns
    result = re.findall(pattern, text_from_file)
    # append to results only if non-empty 
    # search-result found
    if result:

print(f“Total {len(results)}/{len(files)} files were found with matching results. \nTotal matched cases: { sum([ len(result) for result in results ]) }”)