将 multipart.File 作为参数放入 image.Decode
Getting a multipart.File into image.Decode as argument
我正在尝试将其放入 Image.DecodeConfig() 方法中,如下所示:
import (
func ImgCheckSize(file io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
config, format, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)
错误打印:"image: unknown format"
我还打印了 multipart.FileHeader.Header,上面写着:
map[Content-Disposition:[form-data; name="img1"; filename="img1"] Content-Type:[application/octet-stream]]
正如图像包的文档中所述 (https://golang.org/pkg/image/ 92),您必须首先注册要使用的格式:
Decoding any particular image format requires the prior registration
of a decoder function. Registration is typically automatic as a side
effect of initializing that format’s package so that, to decode a PNG
image, it suffices to have
import _ “image/png”
in a program’s main package. The _ means to import a package purely
for its initialization side effects.
import (
// Package image/jpeg is not used explicitly in the code below,
// but is imported for its initialization side-effect, which allows
// image.Decode to understand JPEG formatted images.
_ "image/jpeg"
func ImgCheckSize(file io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
config, format, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)
img解码,_ := dataurl.Decode(imgupload)
我正在尝试将其放入 Image.DecodeConfig() 方法中,如下所示:
import (
func ImgCheckSize(file io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
config, format, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)
错误打印:"image: unknown format"
我还打印了 multipart.FileHeader.Header,上面写着:
map[Content-Disposition:[form-data; name="img1"; filename="img1"] Content-Type:[application/octet-stream]]
正如图像包的文档中所述 (https://golang.org/pkg/image/ 92),您必须首先注册要使用的格式:
Decoding any particular image format requires the prior registration of a decoder function. Registration is typically automatic as a side effect of initializing that format’s package so that, to decode a PNG image, it suffices to have
import _ “image/png”
in a program’s main package. The _ means to import a package purely for its initialization side effects.
import (
// Package image/jpeg is not used explicitly in the code below,
// but is imported for its initialization side-effect, which allows
// image.Decode to understand JPEG formatted images.
_ "image/jpeg"
func ImgCheckSize(file io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
config, format, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)
img解码,_ := dataurl.Decode(imgupload)