在汇编语言中执行 "add" 和 "carry" 操作的替代方法是什么?

What is the alternate way of doing "add" and "carry" operation in Assembly Language?

喂!我有一个关于汇编语言的问题。 adc eax, ebx指令将寄存器eax、寄存器ebx和进位标志的内容相加,然后将结果存回eax。我的问题是假设不允许使用 adc 指令,那么我们如何编写产生与 adc eax, ebx.



   add eax, ebx
   add eax, 1


    push ebx             ; We want to preserve ebx. This seems lazy but it's
                         ; an easy approach.

    jnc carry_handled    ; If the carry is set:
    add ebx, 1           ;   Add 1 to summand. We are using
                         ;   ADD here, because INC does not
                         ;   set the carry flag.
    jz carry_overflowed  ;   If it overflows (ebx is 0), then
                         ;   skip the addition. We don't want
                         ;   to add 0 which will clear the
                         ;   carry flag.
carry_handled:           ; 
    add eax, ebx         ; Add the adjusted summand.
    pop ebx

需要注意的重要一点是,您希望正确设置 CPU 标志,就像执行 adc 一样。在上述方法中,如果您之后不关心进位标志,则 jz carry_overflowed 是多余的。