策略中的 Malformedpolicydocument 语法错误

Malformedpolicydocument syntax errors in policy

AWS 新手。我正在尝试使用 putUserPolicy API 向 IAM 用户添加内联策略,如下所示。 运行 作为错误代码进入 Malformedpolicydocument,作为错误消息进入策略中的语法错误

// Attaches the policy document to the IAM user userName in the account
    async putUserPolicy(userName: string, roleArn: string) {
        let userPolicyData: any = null;

        try {
            // creates the policy document
            const policyDocumentForUser = this.createUserPolicyDocument(roleArn);
            const trustPolicyParamsForUser = {
                PolicyDocument: JSON.stringify(policyDocumentForUser),
                PolicyName: 'userPolciy',
                UserName: userName

        // attaching the policy document to the IAM user
        userPolicyData = await this.iam.putUserPolicy(trustPolicyParamsForUser).promise();
        this.logger.info(`Successfully created user policy for '${userName}'`);

        } catch (error) {
            this.logger.error(`Unable to create user policy role`, error);
            throw error;


    private createUserPolicyDocument(roleArn: string) {

        const policyDocument = {
            'statement': [
                    'Action': 'sts:AssumeRole',
                    'Resource': roleArn,
                    'Effect': 'Allow'
        this.logger.debug('policyDocument:', policyDocument);

        return policyDocument;



'statement' 应该是 'Statement' 并且您还应该 "Version": "2012-10-17" 与语句


您可能遇到了区分大小写的问题。 Statement必须大写。

作为旁注:它考虑了避免内联策略的良好做法。您可以改为创建和附加托管策略。此外,根据 CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark,建议将 IAM 策略直接应用于组和角色,而不是用户。
