执行 pow(2, ((m - 69.0f) / 12.0f)) 时出现 DeepSleepLo​​ck 下溢错误 - MBed OS

DeepSleepLock underflow error when doing pow(2, ((m - 69.0f) / 12.0f)) - MBed OS

我在 NUCLEO_L432KC 上使用 MBed OS 和 MBed CLI 来编译、刷新和测试。使用 OpenOCD 和 gdb 进行调试。 MBed 有自己的 GreenTea 测试自动化工具,用于对嵌入式硬件进行单元测试,它使用了 utest 和 Unity 测试框架。

当我使用 GreenTea 对这个函数进行单元测试时:

float Piano::midiNumToFrequency(uint8_t m)
    float exp = (m - 69.0f) / 12.0f;
    return pow(2, exp);

我收到 DeepSleepLo​​ck 下溢错误:

[1589410046.26][CONN][RXD] ++ MbedOS Error Info ++ [1589410046.30][CONN][RXD] Error Status: 0x80040124 Code: 292 Module: 4 [1589410046.35][CONN][RXD] Error Message: DeepSleepLock underflow (< 0) [1589410046.37][CONN][RXD] Location: 0x8003B09 [1589410046.40][CONN][RXD] File: mbed_power_mgmt.c+197 [1589410046.43][CONN][RXD] Error Value: 0xFFFF [1589410046.53][CONN][RXD] Current Thread: main Id: 0x20001200 Entry: 0x80044A7 StackSize: 0x1000 StackMem: 0x20001C18 SP: 0x2000FF04 [1589410046.62][CONN][RXD] For more info, visit: https://mbed.com/s/error?error=0x80040124&tgt=NUCLEO_L432KC [1589410046.64][CONN][RXD] – MbedOS Error Info –


float Piano::midiNumToFrequency(uint8_t m)
    float exp = (m - 69.0f);
    return pow(2, exp);


MBed 有一个错误状态解码器 here

Use the "Location" reported to figure out the address of the location which caused the error or try building a non-release version with MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_ERROR_FILENAME_CAPTURE_ENABLED configuration enabled to capture the filename and line number where this error originates from.

当我启用 MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_ERROR_FILENAME_CAPTURE_ENABLED 时,它说位置在 mbed_power_mgmt.c 第 197 行,这是函数:

/** Send the microcontroller to sleep
 * @note This function can be a noop if not implemented by the platform.
 * @note This function will be a noop in debug mode (debug build profile when MBED_DEBUG is defined).
 * @note This function will be a noop if the following conditions are met:
 *   - The RTOS is present
 *   - The processor turn off the Systick clock during sleep
 *   - The target does not implement tickless mode
 * The processor is setup ready for sleep, and sent to sleep using __WFI(). In this mode, the
 * system clock to the core is stopped until a reset or an interrupt occurs. This eliminates
 * dynamic power used by the processor, memory systems and buses. The processor, peripheral and
 * memory state are maintained, and the peripherals continue to work and can generate interrupts.
 * The processor can be woken up by any internal peripheral interrupt or external pin interrupt.
 * @note
 *  The mbed interface semihosting is disconnected as part of going to sleep, and can not be restored.
 * Flash re-programming and the USB serial port will remain active, but the mbed program will no longer be
 * able to access the LocalFileSystem
static inline void sleep(void)
#endif /* DEVICE_SLEEP */



StackSize: 0x1000 
StackMem: 0x20001C18 
SP: 0x2000FF04


仅从发布的代码无法真正确定原因,但报告的位置无关紧要;当函数从损坏的堆栈中弹出 return 地址或使用损坏的堆栈指针时,程序计数器可能会在任何地方或任何地方结束。

例如,您的测试线程可能没有足够的堆栈分配,并且溢出已经损坏了其他线程的堆栈或 TCB,然后崩溃。这种行为可能会导致您看到的错误类型,其中指示的代码与错误源无关。然而,这纯粹是推测,还有其他错误机制,例如缓冲区溢出,可能会导致类似的非确定性行为。
