Azure Key Vault 如何确定特定密钥是否为当前密钥?

Azure Key Vault how to determine if a particular key is the current?

我正在阅读有关 AKV api 的文章

问题是,我找不到任何可以表明我刚刚下拉的 secret/version 是否是电流的信息。

如果我有一个 name/version 并且我查询 api 得到那个 name/version,我如何判断我请求的版本是不是当前版本?

默认行为是始终return latest version if no version is specified

Objects in Key Vault can be addressed by specifing a version or by omitting version for operations on current version of the object. For example, given a Key with the name MasterKey, performing operations without specifing a version causes the system to use the latest available version. Performing operations with the version-specific identifier causes the system to use that specific version of the object.