在 Task.WhenAll 中捕获异常

Catching exceptions in Task.WhenAll

A class 具有异步方法 MonitorAsync(),它启动 long-running 并行操作。我有 collection 个 monitors;这些都拉开序幕如下:

    internal async Task RunAsync()
        var tasks = monitors.Select((p) => p.Value.MonitorAsync());
        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

如果 monitor 摔倒了,我需要知道(基本上我会 运行 把它重新爬起来)。我研究了 ContinueWith 等等,但是当 运行 并行执行一堆异步任务时,我如何才能确保我明确知道任务何时结束?

对于上下文,RunAsync 基本上是我应用程序的核心。

如果您想知道一个结束的时间(并且不影响其他),ContinueWith() 可能是一种方式。

或者,循环中的 WaitAny 怎么样?

    await Task.WaitAny(tasks);
//Stuff you do after WhenAll() comes here



If you do not want to call the Task.Wait method to wait for a task's completion, you can also retrieve the AggregateException exception from the task's Exception property

internal async Task RunAsync()
    var tasks = monitors.Select((p) => p.Value.MonitorAsync());
        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    catch (Exception)
        foreach (var task in tasks.Where(x => x.IsFaulted))
        foreach (var exception in task.Exception.InnerExceptions)
            // Do Something

参考:Exception handling (Task Parallel Library)

If a monitor falls over, I need to know (basically I will run it up again).


internal async Task RunAsync()
  var tasks = monitors.Select(p => MonitorAndRestart(p));
  await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

  async Task MonitorAndRestart(P p)
    while (true)
      try { await p.Value.MonitorAsync(); }
      catch { ... }