文件未在 PHP 中创建?

File not being created in PHP?

我在 PHP 中编写了这段代码,因为我想练习文件处理。

    <title>PHP Test</title>
    <form action = "index.php" method = "get">
    Do you want to make a new file (NF), edit a file (EF), or delete a file (DF)?
    <input type = "text" name = "FileHandling">
    <input type = "submit">
      $FileCommand = $_GET['FileHandling'];
      if($FileCommand == 'NF') {
        echo "<form action = 'index.php' method = 'get'><br/>";
        echo "What is the new file's name?<br/>";
        echo "<input type = 'text' name = 'CreateFile' method = 'get'><br/>";
        echo "<input type = 'submit'><br/>";
        $FileName = $_GET['CreateFile'];
        echo $FileName;
        if(null !== $FileName) {
          echo $FileName;
          echo "yes";
          $CreateTheFile = fopen($FileName, 'w');
        } else {
          echo "No file name chosen. ";


echo $FileName;
if(null !== $FileName) {
  echo $FileName;
  echo "yes";
  $CreateTheFile = fopen($FileName, 'w');

尝试使用is_null() PHP函数来得到想要的结果


if(!is_null($FileName)) {
  echo $FileName;
  echo "yes";
  $CreateTheFile = fopen($FileName, 'w');

您处理输入和表单的方式存在错误。目前,您正在检查 $FileCommand == 'NF',这在第一次提交表单时为真。但是随后页面重新加载,您将获得带有新输入的第二个表单。因此,当您填写第二个表格并重新提交时,现在 <input name='FileHandling' /> 未提交,因为它不是此表格的一部分(它是第一个表格的一部分)。

因此,如果您将 PHP 更改为以下内容,则如果 $FileName !== null(无论 $FileCommand 的值如何)将尝试创建文件,而不是您之前的逻辑这也需要 $FileCommand == 'NF'。这将创建文件的逻辑移到第一个 if.

    $FileCommand = $_GET['FileHandling'];
    if ($FileCommand == 'NF') {
        echo "<form action='index.php' method='get'><br/>";
        echo "What is the new file's name?<br/>";
        echo "<input type='text' name = 'CreateFile'><br/>";
        echo "<input type='submit'><br/>";
        echo "</form>";

    $FileName = $_GET['CreateFile'];

    if (null !== $FileName) {
      echo $FileName;
      echo "yes";
      $CreateTheFile = fopen($FileName, 'w');
    } else {
      echo "No file name chosen. ";


    <form action="index.php" method="get">
        Do you want to make a new file (NF), edit a file (EF), or delete a file (DF)?
        <input type="text" name="FileHandling" />
            $FileCommand = @$_GET['FileHandling'];
            if($FileCommand == 'NF') {
                echo "What is the new file's name?<br/>";
                echo "<input type='text' name = 'CreateFile' /><br/>";
        <input type="submit">
        $FileName = $_GET['CreateFile'];

        if(null !== $FileName) {
          echo $FileName;
          echo "yes";
          $CreateTheFile = fopen($FileName, 'w');
        } else {
          echo "No file name chosen. ";

当您创建新表单时,由于页面重新加载,请求被阻止。 这是解决您问题的有效代码。

<form method="get" action="index.php">
  <input type="text" name="filehandling">
  <input type="submit" name="createfile">


    if ( isset($_GET['createfile']) ) {
        $fh = $_GET['filehandling'];
        if ($fh == 'NF') {
            echo '
                <form method="get">
                    <input type="text" name="filename">
                    <input type="submit" name="createnewfile">
    if ( isset($_GET['createnewfile']) ) {
        $filename = $_GET['filename'];
        $f = fopen($filename, "w");
