将数据传递给 searchstring 参数不起作用
Passing data to searchstring parameter not working
我在将值作为 'Text6=''locations''' 传递给 C# 中的参数搜索字符串时遇到问题。
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'and'.
问题出在下面的函数中,当将值 'Text6=''locations''' 传递给 @searchstring 时,它给出了如图所示的错误。
"startdate": "2020-05-03T22:00:00Z",
"enddate": "2020-05-11T22:00:00Z",
"searchstring": "'Text6=''MFG'''",
"reportID": "2028"
public DataTable GetReportDetailsSearch(string ReportID, string FromDate, string ToDate, string SearchString)
List<SqlParameter> param = new List<SqlParameter>()
new SqlParameter("@ReportID", ReportID),
new SqlParameter("@ReportDateFrom", FromDate),
new SqlParameter("@ReportDateTo", ToDate),
new SqlParameter("@SearchString",SearchString),
DataTable ReportDetailsSearch = SQLDAL.ReturnDataTableByProcedure("sp_ReportDetailsGetALL", param);
return ReportDetailsSearch;
public IActionResult GetSearchedData([FromBody] dynamic DataObjectSearch)
string ReportId = DataObjectSearch.reportID;
string FromDate = DataObjectSearch.startdate;
string StartDate = FromDate.Substring(0, 10);
string todate = DataObjectSearch.enddate;
string EndDate = todate.Substring(0, 10);
string Searchdata = DataObjectSearch.searchstring;
var PostSearch = _reportservice.GetReportDetailsSearch(ReportId, StartDate, EndDate, Searchdata);
return Ok(PostSearch);
但是在 SQL 服务器上运行成功:
exec [dbo].[sp_ReportDetailsGetALL] "2028","2020-05-03","2020-05-11", 'Text6=''locations'''
declare @ColumnName Nvarchar(max) = (SELECT 'select ' + STUFF((SELECT ',' + 'Text'+CONVERT(varchar(20),ReportHeaderIndex) + ' '+ '['+ReportHeader +']'
FROM ReportHeaders where ReportID=@ReportID order by ReportHeaderIndex
FOR XML PATH('')) ,1,1,'') + ' , convert(nvarchar(20),[ReportDate]) ReportDate From ReportDetails R where ReportDate >= ''' +@ReportDateFrom+''' and ReportDate <= '''+ @ReportDateTo +''' and R.ReportID =' + @ReportID + ' and '+@SearchString+' and IsHistory=0 order by reportdate desc ' + @SortingColumns AS Txt )
exec (@ColumnName)
我的问题通过将数据从前端传递到 Web API 解决了,如下所示:
searchstring = "Text6='MFG'"
我在将值作为 'Text6=''locations''' 传递给 C# 中的参数搜索字符串时遇到问题。
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'and'.
问题出在下面的函数中,当将值 'Text6=''locations''' 传递给 @searchstring 时,它给出了如图所示的错误。
"startdate": "2020-05-03T22:00:00Z",
"enddate": "2020-05-11T22:00:00Z",
"searchstring": "'Text6=''MFG'''",
"reportID": "2028"
public DataTable GetReportDetailsSearch(string ReportID, string FromDate, string ToDate, string SearchString)
List<SqlParameter> param = new List<SqlParameter>()
new SqlParameter("@ReportID", ReportID),
new SqlParameter("@ReportDateFrom", FromDate),
new SqlParameter("@ReportDateTo", ToDate),
new SqlParameter("@SearchString",SearchString),
DataTable ReportDetailsSearch = SQLDAL.ReturnDataTableByProcedure("sp_ReportDetailsGetALL", param);
return ReportDetailsSearch;
public IActionResult GetSearchedData([FromBody] dynamic DataObjectSearch)
string ReportId = DataObjectSearch.reportID;
string FromDate = DataObjectSearch.startdate;
string StartDate = FromDate.Substring(0, 10);
string todate = DataObjectSearch.enddate;
string EndDate = todate.Substring(0, 10);
string Searchdata = DataObjectSearch.searchstring;
var PostSearch = _reportservice.GetReportDetailsSearch(ReportId, StartDate, EndDate, Searchdata);
return Ok(PostSearch);
但是在 SQL 服务器上运行成功:
exec [dbo].[sp_ReportDetailsGetALL] "2028","2020-05-03","2020-05-11", 'Text6=''locations'''
declare @ColumnName Nvarchar(max) = (SELECT 'select ' + STUFF((SELECT ',' + 'Text'+CONVERT(varchar(20),ReportHeaderIndex) + ' '+ '['+ReportHeader +']'
FROM ReportHeaders where ReportID=@ReportID order by ReportHeaderIndex
FOR XML PATH('')) ,1,1,'') + ' , convert(nvarchar(20),[ReportDate]) ReportDate From ReportDetails R where ReportDate >= ''' +@ReportDateFrom+''' and ReportDate <= '''+ @ReportDateTo +''' and R.ReportID =' + @ReportID + ' and '+@SearchString+' and IsHistory=0 order by reportdate desc ' + @SortingColumns AS Txt )
exec (@ColumnName)
我的问题通过将数据从前端传递到 Web API 解决了,如下所示:
searchstring = "Text6='MFG'"