用户需要什么权限才能创建和使用 powerapp?

What permissions does user need to create and use powerapp?

在 powerapps 管理中心,我有一个没有 CDS 的环境。

环境中有 2 个角色 - 管理员和制造商。是环境管理员和环境创建者吗?或者是 powerapp admin 和 powerapp maker?

用户创建和使用 powerapp 需要什么权限?

在环境中,您可以配置环境管理员和环境创建者。 根据环境类型,您的环境创建者角色可以关联 1 人或多人。环境创建者有足够的权限在环境中创建和使用资源。

An environment maker has the ability to create new resources in an environment. Add or remove people from the Environment Maker security role.

我知道安全角色术语有点混乱。也许它应该读作 App Maker/admin,但它会再次混淆模型驱动的应用程序开发者,他们需要系统 Admin/customizer 角色来完成他们的工作。因此,Environment 现在用于处理 Canvas 应用程序和 Power Automate (MS Flow) 制造商。 Still Environment 可能有也可能没有 CDS。

读作“Canvas 当前环境中的 powerapp maker 角色”


  • Environment Maker and Environment Admin are the only predefined roles for environments that have no Common Data Service database.
  • The Environment Maker role can create resources within an environment, including apps, connections, custom connectors, gateways, and flows using Power Automate. Environment makers can also distribute the apps they build in an environment to other users in your organization. They can share the app with individual users, security groups, or all users in the organization. More information: Share an app in Power Apps
  • For users who make apps that connect to the database and need to create or update entities and security roles, you need to assign the System Customizer role in addition to the Environment Maker role. This is necessary because the Environment Maker role doesn't have privileges on the environment's data.
  • If the environment has a Common Data Service database, a user must be assigned the System Administrator role instead of the Environment Admin role for full admin privileges, as described in the preceding table.
