
Is it better to create control object or methods to handle the relation between two objects?

假设我有一个游戏,在游戏中允许玩家购买或出售物品form/to设计关卡中的卖家最好的选择是什么,再创建一个class进行交易,或者每个 class 应该有自己的 buy/sell 方法来处理操作,或者这两个都是错误的:) ?


public class Player {
    privte int money;
    // Other fields
    List<Integer> itemsPrice = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Integer> itemsCart = new ArrayList<>();
    public void buy(){
        // Add item to itemsCart 
        // decrease the amount of money
    public void sell(){
        // remove item from itemsCart 
        // increase the amount of money

class Seller{
    private int money;
    List<Integer> itemsPrice = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Integer> itemsCart = new ArrayList<>();
      public void buy(){
        // Add item to itemsCart 
        // decrease the amount of money
    public void sell(){
        // remove item from itemsCart 
        // increase the amount of money

您可以为两者创建一个抽象 class 并扩展父 class 并放置相同的

逻辑和变量到此父级 class,例如,您有 moneyitemsPrice

itemCartsPlayerSeller 中你可以将它们添加到父 class

public class Parent {

    protected int money;
    protected List<Integer> itemsPrice = new ArrayList<>();
    protected List<Integer> itemsCart = new ArrayList<>();
    public void buy(){
        // Add item to itemsCart 
        // decrease the amount of money
    public void sell(){
        // remove item from itemsCart 
        // increase the amount of money

extends 父代 PlayerSeller

public class Player extends Parent {


public class Seller extends Parent {


,以及 PlayerSeller

Player p = new Player();

Seller s = new Seller();