尝试在 Manjaro 上使用 Monodevelop 的问题

Problems trying to use Monodevelop on Manjaro

我无法让 monodevelopManjaro 上工作。我在 AURmonodevelop-betamonodevelop-binmonodevelop-gitmonodevelop-nuget3monodevelop-stable 中尝试了所有不同的安装选项,但大多数都失败了建造。

唯一没有失败的是 monodevlop-bin,但我无法用它来构建我的程序。起初我得到这个错误:

The imported project "/usr/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/Roslyn/Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets" was not found.
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk. (MSB4019)

指定位置没有文件夹 "Roslyn"。我创建了一个具有该名称的文件夹,并将文件 Microsoft.CSharp.targetsmsbuild/15.0/bin/ 复制到 "Roslyn" 文件夹中(将副本重命名为 Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets)。



Parameter "AssemblyFiles" has invalid value "/usr/lib/mono/4.7-api/mscordlib.dll".
Could not load file or assebly 'System.Reflection.Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a or' or one of its dependencies. (MSB3248)

doctorzeus commented on 2019-12-14 14:34

Since the issues with compatibility with the latest version of mono and msbuild as well as there no longer being a "stable" build mode on the github project I am disowning this project.

Sadly I stopped using this IDE in favor of VSCode a while ago and also no longer have the time to maintain it with the large number of incompatibilities with the various dependencies.

Hopefully someone with more time will take over..

这来自 comments of the AUR page 中的原始 maintainter/builder(在撰写本文时)。在他之后,好像又有人试图继续维护,但是还是失败了:

coder2000 commented on 2020-03-31 18:51

The build process is currently broken and the documentation is incomplete.

因此,目前您不能在基于 Arch 的系统上使用 monodevelop(至少从 AUR 开始是这样)。您将不得不使用其他 IDE,例如 JetBrains Rider, or text editors (with proper extensions), like VSCode or Atom

此外,根据个人经验,我建议不要使用基于 Arch 的发行版进行编程,因为这样的问题。使用 Ubuntu 或基于 Ubuntu 的东西,以获得最简单的编程工具体验(我使用 Linux Mint 进行编程,我没有遇到任何重大问题)。