拒绝服务 http 代理:Ionic Angular

Denial of Service http-proxy: Ionic Angular

我有 Ionic Angular 项目,今天我安装了一些 npm 包后,

最后显示 found 3 vulnerabilities (1 low, 2 high) 消息。

当我 运行 npm audit 它返回了这个,

│ High          │ Denial of Service                                            │
│ Package       │ http-proxy                                                   │
│ Patched in    │ No patch available                                           │
│ Dependency of │ @angular-devkit/build-angular [dev]                          │
│ Path          │ @angular-devkit/build-angular > webpack-dev-server >         │
│               │ http-proxy-middleware > http-proxy                           │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1486                            │
│ High          │ Denial of Service                                            │
│ Package       │ http-proxy                                                   │
│ Patched in    │ No patch available                                           │
│ Dependency of │ karma [dev]                                                  │
│ Path          │ karma > http-proxy                                           │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1486                            │
│ Low           │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ yargs-parser                                                 │
│ Patched in    │ >=13.1.2 <14.0.0 || >=15.0.1 <16.0.0 || >=18.1.2             │
│ Dependency of │ @angular-devkit/build-angular [dev]                          │
│ Path          │ @angular-devkit/build-angular > webpack-dev-server > yargs > │
│               │ yargs-parser                                                 │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1500                            │

然后我 运行 npm audit --prod,

                       === npm audit security report ===                        

found 0 vulnerabilities
 in 78 scanned packages


一旦我访问审计报告中给定的 link 以获取更多信息,它就会说,

No fix is currently available. Consider using an alternative package until a fix is made available.

那么 http-proxy 软件包是否有可用的替代方案?


does it mean, it doesn't affect in production environment ?

是的,它不会影响您的生产环境。 http-proxy 仅用于您的开发依赖项,如您在行 "Depenceny of".


So is there any alternatives available for http-proxy package ?

我不这么认为,因为 Angular 自己使用它。我们必须等到官方修复。